Thursday, October 13, 2011

Good morning!

I can't believe it is already the middle of October! Where has this month gone to?  Just an update -- part of the papers for the house sale have been signed -- an amended contract which has made the Hubs even growlier (is that a word?) and we will close somewhere around the 19th.   I am having a lot of mixed emotions with this house sale.  We moved into our current house about six years ago and I love the house.  It is a garden home although we have a huge yard -- go figure-- and it is as much house as I want to vacuum.  I wouldn't mind another bedroom for a sewing room but I don't do that much sewing so it is ok.  We have been very happy here but it doesn't feel like home because there is no history.  In each of my previous houses I have memories of my children and in this home all I have is memory of a husband with heart surgery and a blind/deaf/diabetic/senile cairn terrier that I had to put down.  Oh, and Rollie the cat that I had to give up because everybody is allergic to cats.  So, I need to figure out how to make this house "home" and I am not doing a very good job of it -- maybe I need to adopt a child -- I don't think anybody is allergic to children. Hmmm..on further review,  maybe I could just borrow one.  House plants, maybe?

In any event, I am, on the whole, glad to be rid of the house even though I think we have been "taken" or scammed or something -- can't put my finger on it but I definitely think that something is a bit askew here. That isn't how you spell "askew" -- is it? I digress -- be patient, it is only 5:30 a.m.

 Anyway, babysitting again today.  It is great fun but I have to get up so early and I am not an early riser.  Well, I am, but not THIS early -- you would think I would be getting used to it but I don't think so.

Haven't had any time to participate in any of  the meme's I usually do but I will say that I have read "Aunt Dimity's Good Deed" and am working on the latest sequel to "The Last Picture Show" and a book called "Leaving the Saints".  I will get back to you with reviews of all of them.  I am getting a lot of reading in because I read during the baby's nap which can be as long as three hours.  Of course, I pretty much read myself to sleep but that is ok too.

Well, I must go pack a lunch and get on the road -- I have an hour drive.  I lost a follower and that makes me sad -- I guess I didn't comment enough or blog often enough or about the right things and I am sorry but maybe she will be back.

See you later, folks! Have a wonderful day.


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...