Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Week So Far

This week has been full of anxiety for me for a lot of reasons.  I had a multitude of things to do:  sew patches on a Girl Scout vest, finish a quilt or two, make a couple of little dresses, make bread, finish a dreadful book....but I just couldn't settle myself down enough to focus on any of that.

So, I did this instead....

Version #2 -- much improved -- I made it dimensional but you really can't see that

Version #1 -- all kinds of crooked

Version #1 -- everything is "off" but I will use it anyway

This one will be used today for "somebody's" 6th birthday!
 I spent this morning organizing the multitudes of new equipment -- so much stuff, so little room.

Who knew that cutting paper could be so therapeutic?


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...