Monday, October 24, 2011

It Is Monday -- That Explains a LOT

The last week has been horrendous.  I haven't felt well.  Let's just say you don't really want to know and leave it at that.  We have been trying to get this stupid house closed on and just can't seem to get there -- so close and yet so far away.  The buyers signed the papers on Friday but, oddly, they didn't have any money with them.  Not sure why they were allowed to sign without money but they did.  We were told we could come in that afternoon and sign --- uh, no, not without some money! We weren't  home anyway to get the call so we missed that "window of opportunity" -- probably better since there WASN'T ANY MONEY!  So, we called this morning to see what was up, they said the person dealing with it wasn't in the office yet but they would call us.  We finally called at three after hanging out all day waiting and they said they still didn't have the money but we would sign at 11 tomorrow.  Really.  Well, we aren't signing anything unless there is some money for me to see.  Seriously, this whole thing has turned into a complete farce -- word of warning -- do lots and lots of "checking" if you decide to sell to an investor.  Make sure your investor is, indeed, an investor and not just a middle-person.  Make sure that the person has some experience and does things in a logical order.  Our "person" was clearly a novice and it actually cost her several thousand dollars as well as  good BBB rating.  I will probably make a report.  This has been excrutiating.

Then, in my effort to save money and be green, I decided to go back to  my childhood and buy Ivory dishwashing liquid.  I now remember why I quit using it.  My hands have cracked, bled, and itched until they were raw.  I woke up in the night scratching myself raw.  I tried gloves but I am such a weird, random, kitchen cleaner that it was off and on and off and on and finally I just got annoyed.  I refuse to buy the Caldrea soap I have been using because I think it is too pricey so I settled on Method.  My hands have calmed down and I feel better.  Lesson learned -- not all cost saving methods are really great.

I seem to be slipping back into the insomnia pattern I experienced some years back.  Twice this week I started my day before dawn -- one at 3:30 a.m. and the next day found me up ironing at 4:30 a.m.  Saturday night found me snoozing like a baby until 2:30 a.m. when my DD called to let me know a huge storm was coming my way and she knew my car was out of the garage.  Well, I spent about 30 minutes watching the weather on tv and, after all that, I almost couldn't get back to sleep but I did and managed to stay that way until 8:30 a.m.  It seems like I have gone through my entire adult like on a substantial amount of sleep deprivation -- not a good memory!

I think the lack of sleep in causing my latest slump -- or maybe the weather that can't decide if it want to be summer or fall.  It just seems like all I want to do is clean house and read.  I am not interested in quilting or stitching or anything.  Ok, I seem to have this irrational interest in cooking.  That is very odd -- very.

So, that is what I have been doing.  Reading and cooking.  Cleaning and NOT sleeping.   Maybe this week will be more interesting -- I have to sew a cap for  my granddaughter's Halloween costume -- she is going to be a chicken.  I will definitely post photos of that!


Gill - That British Woman said...

you are wise not to sign until you see some money. I am shocked your lawyer is even telling you to sign???

I am having a waking up super early problem this week, which sucks....

Gill in Canada

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Well, we don't have a lawyer involved in this, we just have a very ignorant "investor" who would like for us to hurry up and get everything done yet she and her party don't seem to be able to put one foot in front of the other. I am hoping today puts and end to all of this -- but not if there isn't any money!!! I think she needs to stay with her day job.For some reason my schedule is just not right and I am not sure why. I am hoping it straightens out soon. I did make it until 6 a.m. today.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...