Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Cedar Fever and the Last of the Christmas Posts

I officially have Cedar Fever -- I feel like I have the flu without the fever -- my eyes look horrible, my ears are hurting and my chest feels like I am in the beginning stages of bronchitis.  It is worse because I failed to shampoo my hair last night after being out in the wind yesterday so everything that was blowing around stuck in my hair and I should have washed it before going to bed.  Now I have to change pillow cases and wash my hair and take benadryl.  Yuck.

I am really just a little crazy sometimes.  I read blogs and love the photos on them so I always want to add a photo to mine.  The only problem with that is I forget to take them.  The same was true this Christmas.  I made four ornaments and wanted to show them here but, alas, no pics.  My son in law was kind enough to send me photos of the one I made for Beanie and here it is.

I can't figure out how to rotate the bottom one.  I made two more for Kathryn and Nathan and one for Joy.  If I can pics from them I will edit.

I also made Kathryn a purse but, again, failed to take a photo of that either.  Note to self -- well, you get it.


Jane and Chris said...

It's been cold here -20C and hubby feel like we have flu..our eyes are itchy, noses running,insides of our noses are burning and we feel so tired. Talked to a friend (or two) today, and they feel the same. Something is in the air and we don't know what.
Jane x

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I feel the same way and the thing that is bothering me the most is the chest discomfort -- very bronchitis like. I don't even want to go out and get the mail and it is such a shame because we are having fantastic weather but I can't get out and do anything. I hope you feel better very soon -- this is miserable.

JLS Hall said...

Sorry about the Cedar Fever. I know how that is -- and we're thinking of moving to a place that is almost entirely covered with the stuff. Smart, huh?

I will definitely send you some photos of the ornament (meant to do it days ago). We'll be taking all the decorations down tomorrow and I'll take some shots then.

Gill - That British Woman said...

the top one is cute, you're a cross stitcher as well I see. Very pretty. Hope you're feeling better soon,


Boyett-Brinkley said...

Joy -- thanks, I appreciate it. I just can't seem to get the hang of taking photos of thing I make.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Gill -- the bottom one is just the back of the top one. Yes, I have been cross stitching forever but I am still not very fast with it. I sort of got away from it as I have gotten older and as we have put dimmer light in the house (we really have, it isn't just me) but I bought a nifty magnifying lamp and it is wonderful so it makes me want to stitch again. Now, if I could just get the mindset of a photographer!!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...