Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Birds In the House and Superstition

My mother always told me that birds in the house were bad luck.  I believe this idea came from my grandmother who tended to hold dear to some specific superstitions -- probably coming from her Native American ancestry.  One day my grandmother walked into her living room and found a little owl that had fallen down the chimney and she told my grandfather to phone his family because she was sure his mother had passed away and she was right.  Of course, the death was expected but never mind that! Then, the day my grandfather passed away I was up before anybody else, I made a cup of tea and some toast and I kept hearing a noise that got progressively louder.  I investigated and found a sparrow flying repeatedly into the dining room window glass.  It was frantic.  I am sure he was seeing his reflection but, as luck would have it, my grandfather passed away a few hours later.

Do I believe in this superstition?


I love birds.  I love birds in cages, in the yard and the decorative variety as well.  I didn't realize how many birds I have around my house but today I took notice and took photos.  So, welcome to my aviary!

I just love this funky blue bird -- came from Pier 1 several years ago

This beautiful duck was parting gift to my husband when he ended a long term project in Montreal

Had to add this -- Hubs painted me a picture of a little red tree that was outside his dorm window at Texas A&M University back in around 1970

My crazy fat chickens

 I received these ducks as a Mother's Day gift from my children when they were little.  The blue bows were added by my mother

Little bird in a birdcage craft project I made a long time ago

The swan on top of my computer desk.  Way over my head -- I had to sort of guess where to point the camera.  This bird belonged to my mother.

My mother in law had a chicken collection.  My daughter asked for a couple and these were left homeless so I took them.  They are a little retro.
The newest addition -- two tiny birds I found at Apple Annie's a couple of weeks ago.

I seriously don't like a bunch of stuff sitting around so most of the things I have usually have some sentimental value to me (the birds from Apple Annies were an impulse moment).  I was looking around my house today preparing to dust and I couldn't understand why it appeared so cluttered and now I know why.

There are birds everywhere!


Pom Pom said...

I love birds, too. I've been watching birdsat my mom's house. Your are all sweet!

Minnie said...

I love all of your birds and you don't have to clean up behind them.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Pom Pom -- I especially like cardinals. And blue jays. Thanks!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Minnie -- Thank you! Yes, no paper to change and no birdseed to vacuum!

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

I had never heard the superstition about birds in the house! My weakness is for chickens. I have six at the moment in the house (as well as the nine real ones outside). I really don't need any more!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Elizabeth! Thank you for stopping by! I wish I had some chickens in the yard! I like chickens as well but I truly didn't know I had so many bird representatives in my house!

Penhallow Street said...

What a fun collection of birds--I especially like the ducks with the blue ribbon. I look forward to hearing the birds again come March--in your area they've probably already started their spring song.

Your husband's artwork has an oriental-feel--the frame and mat compliment it nicely. I hope he is still painting.

I too would enjoy having some chickens in the yard. Someday perhaps :)


Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Bonnie! Thank you! Yes, the birds here are singing. It was quiet in the house yesterday and I could hear them outside just singing away. Of course, winter has decided to bypass Texas this year so it already feels like spring. Back in his college days, my husband decided he wanted to paint -- I don't know what prompted it - but he painted several pictures. I asked him to paint one for me and he asked what I wanted and I said "a little red tree". It just so happened there was one outside his dorm window so he painted that. It has been stored away until about three or four years ago when I decided to have it framed and put it up. He painted a couple of others but they have both disappeared. His mother had them and I think she threw them away. She is good at throwing other peoples stuff away, just not her own. Never mind. Grrrr. Anyway, I might encourage him to start again right after he finishes building his tv antenna! The man never lacks for projects!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...