Wednesday, June 03, 2009


I have had "Taken" with Liam Neeson on my Netflix list since it was released with a "long wait" notation. Well, I discovered that it is now available on VOD with our cable company so I ordered it tonight. We started it early so we wouldn't be falling asleep which was a wise idea but probably unnecessary because I don't think I would have fallen asleep -- it was action packed but not draggy. It seems some action/adventure movies have more action than necessary to drag things out -- this one didn't.

It was a great movie! Of course, everybody on the planet knows that I am partial to Liam Neeson and that had a lot to do with my opinion but it was good and I would recommend. However, it deals with a particularly nasty subject -- abduction on foreign soil. In this movie, Neeson's daughter, 17, begs to go to Paris with her friend. Dad had doubts about the whole thing but allows her to go even after he found out she had been lying about the nature of the trip -- museum hopping -- NOT -- more like being a band groupie. In any event, she wasn't even in Paris for twenty four hours until she and her friend found themselves in a very uncomfortable situation. Well, retired government agent dad came to the rescue and all was well but there was a lot of drama getting there.

I would recommend this movie -- it was well done, went fast, was not over bought on action, not hugely gory and, of course, it had Liam Neeson in it. What more could there be?

Unconscious mutterings 331

1. nursery --- rhyme, baby, plant

2. medicine -- ugh

3. heart to heart -- talk

4. try -- try, try again if you at first you don't succeed

5. hog-- wild, motorcycle, Dennis Hopper

6. symptom -- see #2

7. collide -- planets, cars (this is DFW!)

8.. fury -- of a woman scorned -- nothing like it!

9. incorporated -- blended

10. summer -- hot town, summer in the city!


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...