Thursday, March 08, 2012

Booking Through Thursday

The question on today BTT is "Which non-series book would you like most to read the sequel to?  Do you have any wishes for what might happen in it?

This is a difficult question for me as I do enjoy and regularly read series books.  The Aunt Dimity series as well as the Mitford series come readily to mind.  However, these books naturally lend themselves to the serial format.  I don't enjoy reading sequels to books that begin, progress, and end well on their own without leaving an open door.  The last few books I have read would not be good serialized, in my opinion so I probably wouldn't read a sequel to any of them.

As far as what might happen in a sequel -- well, that sort of depends on what the story decides, isn't it?  I believe that stories, good stories, write themselves -- they just evolve and I think  a sequel would be the same.  If an author has to work too hard at a sequel then maybe it isn't meant to be.

I don't think I really answered the question.


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...