Friday, July 15, 2016

Vinegar Girl by Anne Tyler

I have read a couple of Anne Tyler's works and, while I enjoyed them, they seemed to have a depressing side to them.  This one is completely different.  This was such a fun read. 

It is the story of Kate, Bunny and their father, the eccentric Dr. Battista.  And Pyotr.  Bunny is a truculent teenager.  Kate is the older sister that seems to be bound for spinsterhood.  Dr. Battista is clueless.  Pyotr is Dr. Battista's Russian lab assistant who is in danger of having his visa run out quicker than their project does.  This is serious business.

Solution?  Marriage. 

And then there are the mice-in-crisis.

I can't say more.  Just read it.  It is a quick, light read and all is well that ends well.



 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...