Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Jeremy -- The Tale of an Honest Bunny

I chose "Jeremy--The Tale of an Honest Bunny" by Jan Karon as my ninth book in the Young Readers Challenge.

This book is a lovely book. The dust jacket is vintage looking with a window to the hard-cover. The hard-cover is a very nice on it's own. The book even has a sewn in bookmark. The illustrations, by Teri Weidner, are exquisite -- reminiscent of illustrations in books of the late 40's and early 50'. It reminds me of the books that I used to get from Joske's Department Store and Ann and Tom Brown's Toy Store.

The story is sweet, albeit predictable. Jeremy is a cloth bunny created In England for a recipient in America. He is alive and talks, a lot like Pinocchio. He doesn't want to be shipped in a box and prefers to "deliver himself" to Candace, his new person in his new home. Expectantly, Jeremy has many adventures and difficulties on his road to America. He resolves his difficulties by being "an honest" bunny which is what he promised Lydia, his creator. The object lesson is honesty and staying focused on the goal.

I would recommend this as a read-to-me book for 5-6 yr. olds. It is conveniently divided into short chapters that work well as a bedtime story to be continued the next night -- about a week's worth. An eight year old would enjoy reading alone. I think this one would top out at about 9 yrs.

It is a good book. A lovely addition to a child's library and a classic that can grow up with a child for a while.


jlshall said...

Ah, Ann & Tom Brown's! I really wish somebody had taken some photos of that place. And I can't believe you've already read NINE books for the challenge! I am so not keeping up.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Nine books -- yes, but to do that I have chosen itty bitty books and had to send the laundry out so I don't know that I am doing all that great! I am sort of into the kid books though -- what does that say about me?

Yes, I wish we had taken pictures of a lot of stuff! Remember the Winn's down there next door to Casbeers? You could smell the oiled floors. That is where Granny sent my mom to buy my first potholder loom!

Oh, dear, here I go again -- tripping back in time. I am so good at that!

Checking In

 Hi all! Just checking in.  On Wednesday I had a second cardiac ablation.  All went well and I am doing what I have been told — sit down, be...