Monday, April 07, 2008

For the Love of Cross Stitch

When I was about five, or so, my mother decided to introduce me to embroidery. It was a set of pre-stamped tea towels. If my memory serves me correctly, the pattern was of kittens. My stitches were too big and some of them were pulled but I was fascinated. That was my first venture with a great span of time until my next attempt as an adult. I did a few crewel kits as a young married woman. They turned out pretty well but I was not the least bit prepared for the fact that moths could actually eat my best attempt -- as it hung on the wall! I was devastated. So, in an attempt to find something that wasn't food for something else, I turned my attention to cross stitch.

I love cross stitch and have done a lot of it over the years. But, I struggle. I absolutely love the look of linen but have difficulty counting out the stitches over two threads -- especially if the stitches are far apart. Evenweave creates the same problem. I tend to stay with aida which is quite limiting in the look that I want to create. Sometimes frustration abounds but still I persevere.

I love the cottages, bungalows, lighthouses -- any houses-- depicted in the cross stitch mags. I have a weakness for small houses. I collect small houses such as David Winter cottages -- I even picture the families in the small houses. So, it is no surprise that I like to stitch them.

The picture posted here is of a WIP that has been recently -- very recently -- completed. It was a WIP for so long I almost never got the masking tape off so I could press it. I swear never to put masking tape on my work again -- I really do. It takes longer to wrap the edges in the tape than it does to put a zigzag around it with the sewing machine. In any event, here is my latest completion.

I have started a new project -- a pair of absolutely gorgeous birds. The thread variation is so intricate I am having to work on it one ten stitch grid at a time. Oh, thank goodness for sticky notes! I will post more when I have more done -- right now it is VERY hard to tell it is a bird.

At any rate, here is my little house!

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