Tuesday, January 15, 2008

When I discovered blogging it was a sad day, indeed. Why, you ask? Well, I discovered that I had nothing to say. Oh I have ranted and raved about my children, my pets, grocery bags and whatnot but really had nothing to say.

I, then, discovered the pleasure in reading OTHER people's blogs. I have read quilting blogs, needlework blogs, reading blogs, parent blogs, empty nester blogs, all sorts of blogs. As a result, I have embarked on a project, the reading challenge, which, so far, has been great fun. I have learned a lot from the quilting blogs too. Being a quilter for many years, yet still thinking like a beginner, I enjoy reading about other's adventures in their quest for quilt perfection.

So, today I have something to say. For my fellow quilters and blogreaders, I would like to share a website that I found today while doing a search for "scrap quilting". The website is http://quiltville.com. For those of you who have more scraps than you know what to do with and need to organize, sort and use them up, visit this site. It is chock full of patterns, suggestions and lovely pictures that are very inspirational. I am sure I will visit it often.

Ok, now that I have that out of the way, I guess I am back to the kitchen table that is piled high with all sorts of fabrics just calling my name to do something with them.

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