Thursday, March 06, 2008

Booking Through Thursday

"Who is your favorite male lead character. And Why"

I would have to say that my favorite lead male character is Father Tim, the main character in the Jan Karon Mitford series. Why? Well, he is so REAL. Even though he is an Episcopal priest, he has all the strengths, weaknesses, temptations, doubts as us regular folks. He isn't preachy and really shows the human side of life. He is kind and gentle, he has diabetes and loves food which shows his vulnerability. All in all, he is just a real down to earth character -- picture an aging Dan Aykroyd.

The second favorite would be Blackie in the Barbara Taylor Bradford "A Woman of Substance" series. He is another gentle, loyal soul that isn't afraid to show the frailities and strengths of the human spirit. I saw the movie before I read the books -- I enjoyed the books more -- but I have to say that when I read the character of Blackie all I saw in my mind's eye was Liam Neeson! That isn't bad either!

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