Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Rollie All Grown Up

I have decided to add a photo of G. Rollie now that he is all grown up. Grown up, indeed, at the ripe old age of 18 months old, he is on a diet. When he came to us at 5 months old he was a robust kitten. Well, he is now a robust adult and tipped the scales at 17 pounds at his last vet visit. The vet wasn't happy and now Rollie is on diet food and precious little of it. I think he has lost an ounce.

At any rate, the photo is of Rollie enjoying one of his many pasttimes -- helping me with my quilting. He also likes to play with knitting needles and a bobbin of embroidery thread isn't safe anywhere near him. Trying to accomplish anything crafty with Rollie in the vacinity is almost impossible yet, he is so funny, I can't get angry or shoo him away.

So, here he is, showing his patriotism by wrapping himself up in the flag quilt I am making for my daughter's classroom. No surprise that it has taken me about 500% longer to applique those 50 stars than it would have without all the help I was getting.

But, at the end of the day, I am going to have to give him credit on the quilt label because he was obviously an active participant.

Gig em', Rollie!

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