Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Gran Torino

AW and I watched "Gran Torino" last night. We both like Clint Eastwood and AW used to own a gold Gran Torino Sport so we settled down for what we thought would be a good movie. It wasn't a good movie -- it was a great movie. The language was awful -- the racial slurs were awful but all of that was pretty realistic, I would imagine in certain areas of our population. There were many comedic asides -- didn't know Eastwood could be such a funny, old guy. The story line was great -- but sad. For anybody thinking of watching it, if there is anybody out there that hasn't already -- be prepared for the language and the subject matter but get ready for some laughs, some anger and ultimately, some tears. This movie will definitely go into my personal DVD library.


jlshall said...

We almost watched "Gran Torino" last night - our cable "on demand" service has it. But right now we're slowly making our way through the first season of "Mad Men," so all the movies are gonna have to wait a while. Yes, I've heard that a lot of people have trouble with the racial slurs, but I guess you have to expect that, given the basic subject matter. Anyway, I think I like Eastwood as an old codger more than I did as a young dude. (That is, when he was a young dude and now that he's an old codger. Not me. Although....)

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Well, the plot of the movie wouldn't be the plot without the racial slurs -- and they aren't all from Eastwood -- it goes the other way too. I like him more now that he is older too -- like Sean Connery -- more character -- not just a pretty face.

You are not old or codger=ly. I am not old either -- just prematurely gray and VERY codger-ly.

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