Thursday, December 03, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

Yes, indeed, it has been awhile since I have blogged but not because I haven't wanted to but more because I haven't had much to talk about. I have been doing a little quilting, a little genealogy, a little embroidery but it has been so little that a blog it doesn't make. However, I have been doing a little reading as well and now I can comment on my two latest finishes.

The first would be "Confessions of a Counterfeit Farm Girl". This was the most hysterical book I have read in a while --- the real life account of Susan Mc Corkindale's journey from big city life complete with high power magazine job to a farm that she, her husband and two children are tending for a relative. It is funny, frustrating, enlightening and let's you know just how fortunate you are to be a block or two away from a Starbucks. It is light reading, goes quickly and is good for more than a chuckle or two.

The second book I read recently was Glenn Beck's "Common Sense". I would recommend this book for any American regardless of political party preference, religious preference or race. It is food for thought -- pick one up, read it and pass it on to a friend.


jlshall said...

Welcome back, Cuzzie! The McCorkindale book sounds good. And I do know how lucky I am to be just a few blocks from a Starbucks. That's one of the reasons I'm resisting M's plan to move us out to the middle of nowhere. Well, maybe not the absolute middle of nowhere, but very close to it. The second book, I'm not so sure about. Glenn Beck really creeps me out, so I'd be a little hesitant about actually buying one of his books. Maybe I can find it at the library, though.

You really should just blog about your genealogy and quilting and other crafty stuff. It would be very interesting to all of us out here who mainly have our noses buried in books!

jlshall said...

Oh, and by the way, have you noticed how many book covers around now have pictures of just shoes on them? Very strange. It's like the people all vanished off the planet and just left their foot-gear standing around.

What’s Up for the New Week —

 It is Saturday and it appears we are emerging from the arctic freeze we have been experiencing.  I am sure I have mentioned here that I am ...