Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Teaser Tuesday -- 26 April 2011

Well, it is time for another Teaser Tuesday hosted by MizB at shouldbereading.wordpress.com.  Coming off the heaviness of the Deliverance Dane book, I decided to read something shorter and lighter this week.  So, I chose "Family Affair" by Debbie Macomber.  I haven't read any Macomber, up to now, even though I have a number of her books in my library.  I opted for this one because it was on the sale table at B&N, it is 100 pages long, with two more pages of recipes for your cat, and.....yes, it had a lovely cover.  So, here goes with my teaser --

"Walking into the kitchen, she opened the refrigerator and stuck her head inside, rooting out some sorry-looking leftover, two boxes of take-out Chinese, and the tulip bulbs she'd meant to plant in her balcony flower box last October.  'I'm starved.'  She opened the vegetable bin and toouok out a limp stalk of celery. 'You know my problem, don't you?' " (Page 2.)


jlshall said...

Sounds like somebody's been taking a look in my fridge!

Good teaser! I've never read anything by Debbie Macomber either, but I'm always attracted to her books. Yes, the covers are very good to look at. One of these days, I need to try doing more than just admiring the lovely covers!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I don't know about all of them but this one is very light, very predictable romance. Quick read, mindless but fun. I have one or two more on my nook -- I might venture into them next.

Bex said...

Nice teaser. Haven't heard of it before though! Hope you're enjoying. :)

Rebecca @ kindle fever

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Bex -- thanks for dropping by! It is a tiny book that I found on a sale table at B&N -- it is pretty good.

Bex said...

That's great. Perhaps worth to give a try.. :)


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...