Monday, September 12, 2011

Which one doesn't belong!

Yes, I said it out loud -- thank goodness it is Monday.  Things seem a bit more normal today -- I mean Target was already crowded at 8 a.m.  I can't even begin to tell you what I did this weekend -- either the memory is going or I just didn't do much -- I think it is the latter.

I did wash sheets.  We have a king size bed and I was so tempted to throw those sheets in the dryer but I resisted and figured out how to hang them on my little drying racks.  It involved folding and re-folding once as they dried but they dried really quickly and the good part about it is -- they are already folded up! I realize that I could have clipped them to hangers and dried them on the shower curtain rod which is my hanging spot but this worked and I am happy.

I did make brownies.  I have been experimenting with making brownies from scratch with various recipes. A while back I made a batch with a recipe from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything cookbook.  I didn't have the proper sized pan but I made them anyway and they were to die for.  The second attempt -- not so much.  So, I figured third time's a charm right?  Armed with the proper sized pan and the knowledge that even a minute of over baking is a bad thing, I forged ahead.  They must not have turned out too badly because here are the remains.

We also spent a little time Saturday morning at a craft fair at my cousin's church in Arlington.  It wasn't very large and there wasn't a huge variety of things there but we wanted to go to see the offerings as the Hubs and I are thinking of doing craft fairs as an activity. After our visit at this one, though, I am wondering if Etsy isn't the better way  to go. I had meant to take the camera and shoot some snaps but, once again, I didn't.  For some reason I just can't get in the habit of throwing the camera in my purse so I always have it.

Saturday evening we spent visiting the Hubs brother and his wife.  It was a good time, dinner out at a local barbecue spot and coffee after.  Plans are in the works for my MIL's 90th birthday party and I am afraid I am going to be put in charge and that is a job I don't want.  Really - don't - want.

Yesterday was spent avoiding the tv and cooking.  It was a sad day, even without the tv.  It was a surreal day -- how could ten years have already passed when it feels like the events of 9-11 just happened? As I read Facebook posts, some of which angered and frustrated me beyond reason, I thought about the days of my youth that were so seemingly innocent and stress free.  Maybe they weren't, maybe I just grew up.

So begins another week with yet another visit to my friendly dentist to finally get a bridge.  I am nursing this poor, broken temporary along as I haven't had time to get back to get another made -- this dental adventure has been a bear and I hope I don't have another for a while.

Time to get on with it -- see ya later!


Jane and Chris said...

I think you deserved the brownies for not using the dryer!
I have heard that many crafters do not make enough money to cover materials and time at craft fairs.It seems that many buyers treat the fairs as thrift sales and do not want to pay a fair price. Etsy , however, seems to attract the buyer who appreciates and understands the time, effort and creativity that goes into a crafted piece.
Jane x

Gill - That British Woman said...

I haven't made brownies in ages.

I agree with Jane and craft fairs.

I also did another three loads of laundry today.......I swear the neigbours are dropping more of their dirty laundry to our house!!!


Boyett-Brinkley said...

Jane -- yes, I am leaning toward Etsy myself. However, if I don't get busy, it might be a moot point!

Gill -- I would watch out for those neighbors! I am trying to figure out if i can put up an outdoor line and out fox my home owners association!

jlshall said...

I'm a little (well, maybe a lot) behind in my blog reading this week. Hope the visit to the dentist goes (went?) OK. I've got another one coming up next week. Such fun.

I'm just going to ignore all that talk about not using the dryer. I'm eco-aware, but not THAT eco-aware.

And I'm sure the brownies were delicious. Of course, as far as I'm concerned, ANY brownies are better than NO brownies - even from a mix.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Joy -- actually going without the dryer is really working for me. I went back and used the dishwasher a couple of days and it completely broke my momentum so I am back to the sink. This brownie recipe is good but not what I am looking for quite yet -- I am looking for a final product that tastes like a mix but isn't. The dentist was fine -- I was just getting the final bridge in so no big deal. However, I might never eat anything but soup again.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...