Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sorry 'Bout That

Earlier I used my blog for a minor rant that I have since removed.  I was completely aggravated about not being able to find things in retail establishments like we used to be able to find and how the internet, Pinterest and Facebook were ruining us as a  society.  Pinterest makes us long for things and places that, for the most part, are unattainable for just average people.  I believe that Facebook has disintegrated into a venue for politics, religion and arguments mostly about one  or the other.  I don't like to argue -- it makes me nervous.  The internet has given us the gift of instant gratification -- information now, the ability to purchase most of whatever we want now, the ability to communicate instantaneously.  As a result we have lost the sophistication and grace and, to some extent the ability, to pen a note, to go on long shopping trips where we buy nice handkerchiefs and lunch in classy department store restaurants,  to go into a store and actually find what we are looking for -- nice stationery, little girl's under slips, heaven forbid, gloves! 

Ah, yes, it is time for me to get my foot out of the last century and carry on with the here and now -- to accept that we will never again wear gloves except for winter items and it is highly unlikely that any childish tears will be wiped away with a beautifully embroidered Irish linen hanky.  I need to realize that "times they are a'changing" (thanks BD) and move on but lunch in a classy department store restaurant sure sounds nice.


Gill - That British Woman said...

we all have the same feeling to a certain extent. I got a written thank you letter from a lady and her husband the other day, after they had dropped by unannounced for a visit.

Never had that happen in years, but as my mother was saying it was the way things were done years ago.

So I do know where you are coming from,


Boyett-Brinkley said...

Gill -- I just things have become too casual, for lack of a better word.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...