Monday, December 16, 2013

Musing Mondays -- December 16, 2013

Musing Mondays is a meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.  The goal is to answer just one of several questions posed for readers. 

Today I am going to discuss what I am reading, what I think about it and why I chose it.  I am currently reading "13 Little Blue Envelopes" by Maureen Johnson. It is the chronicle of a young woman, Ginny Blackstock, who is sent on a journey by her unconventional and newly deceased aunt, Peg.  The journey is guided by 13 little blue envelopes containing instructions along the way.  Each envelope contains a destination and a number of tasks to be completed once Ginny is there -- funds are provided by Aunt Peg.  Clearly this is an opportunity for Ginny to discover herself as she is put in situations that she would probably never find herself in otherwise.

The book is reminiscent of "Bridget Jones Diary" (which I never read, I am basing my opinion on the movie) and "Austenland".  It is light hearted yet very deep.  Ginny finds herself in some situations that she handles with much maturity -- more than most seventeen year olds would.  For that reason, I think it is a bit unrealistic but it is a fun read if you don't get too analytical.

I chose it because it is the first on my list in my Nook library.  I keep adding books to my Nook library and then I keep buying physical books so I figured I should start chiseling away at that list.  In fact, that might be one of my own personal challenges for the new year -- read the Nook Books!

I am about half way through the book -- it isn't a long book, I have just been busy, and at this point I would recommend it for something light and quick.  I will review further when I am done.


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I went to the wrong post, but that's okay. I enjoyed seeing your trees.

I have quite a few books on my Kindle to read, and I keep adding to seems like there is no shelving problem when they're there!


Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book :)

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a lovely book :-)

JC Jones said...

Sounds like you picked a good one to read reading down you Nook list.

Pooch said...

This sounds like an interesting read. What a clever way to move the main character into assorted situations!

So glad there's no "decorate by" date since I don't even have a wreath on the front doors yet! I'm with you on the reduced decorating!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...