Sunday, August 03, 2014

I Wonder

I regularly read a lovely blog -- -- authored by Bonnie.  Bonnie is a wonderful artist both with a pencil and a needle.  She has a strong faith, a wonderful outlook, and writes very thought provoking posts.

In her latest post she wrote about Sundays and how they have changed from her childhood.  Her post caused me to pause and think -- go back in time mentally to those Sundays of my childhood.  I remember those days being very long and sometimes boring.  Once I could read, I remember those days being filled with beautiful words which wove beautiful stories. I remember my mother cooking a large meal -- it was always roast -- and it was all so good.  I remember liking Sundays more as I got older.  I enjoyed the quiet of it all, the change of pace, I even enjoyed the boredom of it.
Then things changed.  Somehow -- I think it was when stores started opening on Sundays -- things got busy.  Sunday wasn't any different than Monday or Tuesday.  It was just another day.  It seems we never got a break from the busyness of life.  No wonder everybody is so tired!

I think we should go back to having Sunday.  No, I am not talking about time travel -- push a few buttons and whoosh -- we are back in the 50's.  We can, however, edit ourselves.  How about if we plan our time so that we clear our calendars for Sunday except for church.  How about if we plan our Sunday meal so that it can be mostly cooked on Saturday.  How about if pretend the stores are closed, shop accordingly prior to Sunday and just take a shopping break.  How about -- get ready, here it comes -- if we take a break from technology.  What if we turn off the computers and phones.  What if we sit down with the Sunday paper (we don't even take the paper anymore).  What if we listen to the radio, have the family over, read a book, just do something different than we do on a day to day basis.

As I read Bonnie's post I realized she is a very wise woman.  She mentioned the feeling of guilt if we aren't busy all the time.  She reminds us that we are given Sunday as a day of rest because we NEED the rest.  Our bodies and our minds can't function properly without rest.  So, if society isn't going to allow us to rest, we are going to have to take it upon ourselves to create our own rest.

So, I am suggesting that we take Sunday back and live it as it was intended.  I think the first thing I am going to do is give my electronics a rest as well.  The second thing I am going to do is plan my Sunday meal so that it is mostly done on Saturday and I can enjoy the day and a good meal without slaving away in the kitchen.  When those two things are done I am going to set aside time to do something that I want to do that I can't find the time for during the week.  It might be reading, it might be sewing or needlework but it will be something that brings me joy and gives me relaxation.

So, does anybody want to join me in a technology free Sunday?  Sounds like a challenge to me.


Penhallow Street said...

It was most kind of you to reference my blog--thank you. I think your words "we can edit ourselves" is wise advice and can be applied to many areas in life--thinking specifically "my less than pleasant mood" on some days :) A lovely and insightful post, Boyette.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you, Bonnie! And you do have a lovely blog and I do so enjoy reading it.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...