Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Time to Bring Out the Turkey Planter

Isn't she cute?  She was a gift to me from my Aunt V many years ago.  She came with a real plant but anybody who knows me knows that wouldn't last long.  So, each year, I deck her out in some lovely silk foliage and display her near our table.  I think she is so cute and should have a name --Thomasina, perhaps - the female to the traditional Tom?

I feel the Thanksgiving season coming on! I love it!

I am turning my thoughts to my Christmas decoration and I feel I am in need of a large Nativity set up.  I have several others that I put around but I need a larger one for use with my Advent activities.  I think a trip out is necessary.

So, have  a wonderful day! I will let you know if I come home with anything.


Penhallow Street said...

Very cute and she looks very comfortable nestled in the table scarf. A fun Thanksgiving decoration and very fall looking with the plant--house plants shudder when they see me coming so I can fully appreciate a silk arrangement :)

Boyett-Brinkley said...

We were at the grocery store one day and I saw her and thought she was so cute. My aunt was with me and she bought it without me seeing it and gave it to me at dinner. I was thrilled and she has been out every Thanksgiving since. I guess I will never buy new decorations because all of my stuff has some sort of meaning to it! Even a grocery store planter!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...