Monday, August 17, 2015

Taking Inventory

I am a coward -- in regards to health care.  There is no other way to put it.  I am amazed at modern medicine and the advances made therein but when it comes to me, I am chicken.  I have been known to skirt the health care issues in the past and that didn't bode well with me so, for the last couple of years, I have made a conscious effort to "put on my big girl panties" and quit acting like a baby and get on with it.

So, this summer, my goal was to get all my chickens in a row, so to speak, to get all the health care issues addressed.  So, here is how I have done so far:

1.  Dental care -- three small fillings, two crowns re-done -- completed --
     everything doing well.  Not bad considering that I hadn't been to the dentist
     since the chemo.

2.  Eyes tested and new glasses -- completed--cataracts right on schedule but not
     ready for surgery

3.  Mammogram-- ok, this was the scariest thing ever and I am not sure why. 
     Not the first one but without a doubt terrifying.  Completed.  Everything is

4.  CT Scan -- upcoming

5.  Port removal - yes, please.

So, I seem to be doing well in my attempt to be a functioning adult and quit whining. 

In addition to all that good news and organization I leave you with this smile for the day--

Bean's first day of kindergarten! They usually take a first day photo in front of the school but today it was taken at her place in her classroom.  She was very excited that she was placed in the room she wanted and was very happy that there is a large selection of books in the reading area of the room.  Oh yes, I guess I should add that during the summer, she became a Reading Bean as well! We had all been working with her on her reading but over the summer she just took off and can read whole books all by herself! Her mother is looking forward to a very good year!


Frugally challenged said...

Definitely the young lady! She looks very confident too.

Jane and Chris said...

Well done! My aunt was terrified of health checks and the dentist...she was a nurse!
Jane x

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Jane-- well, they say that doctor's make the worst patients! I am just awful with the doctor but I do ok with the dentist. I am on the fence with the eye doctor! I need to grow up!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Mary -- yes, she is growing up isn't she! I miss her but I will have her again tomorrow afternoon when we start picking her up!She was so looking forward to school starting.

Unknown said...

She looks the perfect student--and her glasses are such a great fit! What a lovely school uniform--very proper looking.

Her smile seems to be a good indication that kindergarten is going well :)

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Bonnie -- yes, she is having a wonderful year so far.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...