Saturday, January 09, 2016

Moving Day 1

Clearly I survived the first day of moving.  The day was spent moving the large pieces of furniture that were to go to the new apartment.  A few smaller things were moved but the bulk of the day was spent with the big stuff.

The day started roughly at 8 a.m. and ended about 13 hours later with lunch and dinner breaks.  My main job was to observe so that nobody got hurt.  I mean, after all, these guys (my husband and brother-in-law) aren't teenagers anymore -- just sayin'.  You wouldn't think that moving things across the parking lot would be so tiring.  Well, it is.

Today we face the hard part -- trying to figure out how to pare down clothing and sort paperwork and stuff like that.  MIL doesn't have a full kitchen in the new place so kitchen stuff will be minimal -- some plates, glasses, cups and bowls.  A bit of silverware, a couple of cup towels.  And the microwave.  Can't forget the microwave.

I have done pretty well until last night.  I had a totally freaked out episode, almost a toddler melt down and all over a pair of tweezers.  My MIL had been pounding into my head to get a small dish with a special pair of tweezers.  I don't see anything special about these tweezers but beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.  So, my last trip from Apt. 1 to Apt. 2 I decided to just grab the dish and hand carry it over.  All was good until I got into the elevator with two ladies on scooters and one bumped me and sent the tweezers flying.  I just knew they fell through the gap down the elevator shaft.  I went back to each floor just to check and by this time I was having a fit.  I got to Apt. 2 and my partners in crime tried to calm me down but I was frantic.  This was the ONE thing my MIL said we had to get without doubt! So, I dumped out my purse and by golly those tweezers never hit the floor but ended up in my purse.  I couldn't believe it! After that incident, I was done and just need my bed and a nice cuppa.

So, today we start again.  Yay!

I am just glad I wasn't a part of MIL's move from SA to FT. W 7 years ago when she broke up housekeeping in the house she had lived in since 1953.  From what I understand, that purging was a bear!  I am just glad I had to deal with tweezers.


Pom Pom said...

You are kind, BB! Oh my goodness, why do we have SO MUCH STUFF? The next time I am in a "purge with a ruthless attitude" mood, I am going to tackle the shelves that house the old VHS tapes and too many dumb DVD's. Have that cuppa! Have two!

JLS Hall said...

I'm really sorry to hear about the problems with the move, but she'll probably be much better off in the new place. This all sounds very much like what we went through with Michael's mom -- it's never easy. Good thing you found those tweezers! Try not to get too exhausted.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Pom Pom -- when we started this move with her, almost three weeks ago, I knew it was going to be difficult. To make it worse, we couldn't move anything to the new place until all the papers were signed and all of that and we didn't get it done until just this past Wednesday. Of course, she is coming home from rehab on Monday and we need to have her old apt. cleared by Monday night. This is a huge job in a short amount of time. And...I am tired.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Joy Lynn -- ok, here is the thing. I think people should have things and hobbies and stuff and all but I have a real problem when people don't store things logically and when people hoard things that they shouldn't be hoarding.

Frugally challenged said...

Moving home is the worst thing out and moving for someone else must be off the scale! Good luck!

JLS Hall said...

Yes, I know -- I feel the same way. But then, I think about my own house and all the things we've accumulated (of course we don't "hoard," do we?) and wonder what will happen when someone has to come clear it all out. None of this is pleasant to think about. As they say, getting old isn't for sissies. You definitely should get some rest when you can.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Mary -- yes, trying to decide what to keep and what not to keep is torture. She has been very specific about some things ("I need to keep the roll of black tape next to my black chair") to not so specific things ("I don't think I will need all those blankets and quilts, will I?"). The thing is, at 94 she is quite mentally sharp and has done exceedingly well on all the tests they have given her and she knows where everything is and I mean everything. The problem is that WE don't know where everything is. I just know that today I am emptying out the kitchen and since she doesn't have a kitchen in the new place it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what to toss -- everything!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Joy Lynn -- I am tired but I am so afraid of getting sick. It has turned really cold here and we are constantly going in and out in the cold wind. I think today I am staying in and letting everybody else run in and out. I know I have a lot of stuff but I try to keep it in some logical order and hopefully when somebody has to come in and go through my stuff they aren't going "what in the world was she thinking".


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...