Tuesday, January 05, 2016

RIP Poor Dead Camera

My camera died.  I didn't realize it was on the brink of demise -- I thought it was only missing a few screws and needed a good battery charge.  I thought that replacement screws and a good while on the charger would fix everything and that we could be friends again.   Seems not to be because when I took it off the charger and walked outside to photograph the sun, it wouldn't work.  It had a brand new battery purchased just a few months ago and the front was properly secured again but it wouldn't open, it wouldn't do anything.

So, off to Best Buy I go to replace my friend of several years now.  This is the new camera I adopted.

I comes in other lovely colors but there were none left from the holidays.  I am fine with basic black, however.  Not such a change from my little Kodak whatever-it-was.  I prefer little point and shoot cameras that I can carry in my purse to the large, dramatic, impressive equipment that all the men in the family carry.  They all tote around these impossibly large cameras with larger lenses and we seem to have very few photos! I, on the other hand, happily snap away with my little camera and I like it that way.

I am not sure how this is going to go -- the relationship is too new, too untested.  Right now the camera -- I haven't even decided on a name yet -- is asleep on the desk charging.  As soon as it warms up a bit outside I will be taking her on a trial run to see what she can do.  She is WiFi enabled -- whatever that means -- not sure how that will help me.  I guess I can connect the camera directly to the computer and download the pics to the hard drive -- hmm..my netbook doesn't have a hard drive.  Ok, maybe I can download them to Shotwell.  Seems this is going to take some time spent with the manual -- I hate manuals but it least it actually came with one.  One of my other options didn't have a manual but rather you had to download it from the computer. 

So, there you go -- a new year, a new member of my purse family and a new learning curve.  Hopefully this little camera will last as long as the other one did and that we will learn to live together peaceably. 

Hope -- is that a good name for a camera?


Pom Pom said...

Ha! A new member of the purse family! This reminds me of my ailing sewing machine. It is in the back of my station wagon and I fear it has stitched its last stitch. Weep. Now to buy a new one.
Cameras are absolutely essential.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Oh, I am so sorry! The new sewing machines aren't like the older ones at all! I feel your pain. Hopefully this camera will be easier to manage than a new sewing machine!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...