Thursday, March 24, 2016

I Knew This Day Would Come

When technology first became part of our lives I was skeptical.  I remember my husband and son buying our first computer.  There was no internet.  I had no interest.

Then, we moved and home computers were common -- or more so at least.  I wanted one in the worst way.  We bought one, obtained internet access and I never looked back.  It was like a whole new existence.

Then came things like video games and then tablets, smart phones and e-readers.  I loved it.  I stayed away from smart phones because of the radiation -- however, I now have one but don't have a data plan.  I just wanted a bigger screen.  I have had every generation of Nook that has been manufactured.

The Nook is a source of aggravation to my daughter and I understand completely.  Bean loves it but my daughter is concerned about radiation emission.  So, we have had to cut Bean off and really limit her time with the device.  I was allowing her to play yesterday and she wanted to buy a new game.  She is really "into" these animal simulation games and I find them to be disturbing.  However, we were trying to install one and it wouldn't install.  It kept saying that there was no resource.  She cried.  I was frustrated.  I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong -- this wasn't rocket science.

I came home last night and did a bit of research as to why I couldn't get anything to work.  There is was -- without one bit of fanfare or advanced warning -- Barnes and Noble has ended their app and video store.  It ended a couple of weeks ago. They also ended the ability to connect to Google Play. I received no emails or advanced notice.  It just isn't there anymore.  One article said that they would only have books and that could cease to be as well. I wonder if, after putting everybody else out of business, B&N is going to cease to be as well.

So, slowly but surely my devices are becoming obsolete.  I found a way to download the games -- through the internet and google play.  I downloaded a couple of games -- PacMan and something where the chicken has to cross the road without getting run over.   However, I believe we are going to start backing out as well.  I have an ipad which the kiddo can't play with.  I have been giving thought as to whether I want to buy a kindle in case the powers that be decide they just want to do away with the Nook altogether which I guess will be the case or if I just want to go old school -- you know, real books, crossword puzzle books -- that sort of thing.

Bean is going to have to face the music.  Her days are numbered on devices.  Her mother will be happy.  She will not.  However, it will be better for her as there are so many health concerns surrounding the use of such devices.

I just wish they would have told us.  Nothing quite as unsettling as a Nona that can't come through.

Sheesh -- what are these people thinking.


Pom Pom said...

You made me think about carrying my phone around. My sister was worried about her Nook, too.
Are you going to a Good Friday service, BB?
God be with you today.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

apparently if you turn off the wifi it eliminates the radiation concern. I don't know. I wish I had never introduced her to it. It has been a problem. I think I am all for old-stuff myself. No, I won't be going to services tonight -- getting ready for company and it is now a 2-3 day ordeal to have company -- I really should do a better job of keeping picked up after us -- two people should have at least one flat surface uncluttered, don't you think?

Pom Pom said...

Hi again, BB! I know what you mean about getting ready for company. It takes me a while, too. I always start too late.
You must be busy, because you haven't posted for a while. I hope things are gliding along smoothly, friend.

Unknown said...

Oh there's so much to worry about. And other than smoking or such things, who knows what causes cancer. Think a lot is genetic. Bean will get behind in life without keeping up with technology. Good or bad, , it's just a fact. I love trchnology...most of the time. Like most things it had its amazing sides and its evil ones. I never bought a reading device. You can download a Kindle for free to laptop, tablet and phones so why pay for one especially if you own a tablet??!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Martha --I am sort of addicted to technology but I can't afford to change it every time the wind blows. I am really aggravated with Barnes and Noble for sure. I am sure that they are trying to completely get rid of the Nook but I read an article where they said they can't because of loyal customers. However, I can see it happening without any forewarning. I did go in and take all my books off the "cloud" and put them back on the device because I am afraid of losing all that I have purchased. Yes, I have the Kindle app for my ipad and the Nook app for it as well. I put the Kobo app on it as well but my little Nook Glowlight is small, it has a non-glare screen, I can chunk it in my purse easily without a case and it is easy to hold. I don't think I would ever actually read a book on my ipad if I didn't have to. Too heavy and too much glare. I actually do most of my reading in the car and I can read on the Nook much better than trying to read a book in a moving car. Plus, it works great because I can have more than one thing on it. I would never read on the phone because I don't have a data plan and the battery would just be eaten up. I just bought a smart phone so I could have a bigger screen but I don't do anything but talk/text -- no internet surfing at all. If B&N stops all e-reader content I will go buy a Kindle paperwhite. Their books are cheaper anyway. In fact, when I first started using a Nook (long before I ever got the ipad) the books were very reasonable, now they are almost as expensive as buying a physical book. I just don't think B&N is long for the electronic world.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...