Monday, October 17, 2016

October Surprise

If you have been following politics surely you have heard the catchphrase "October Surprise".  I assume it refers to Wikileaks email drops.  Some places I have heard it refers to impending war.

Here is the truth, at least in OUR reality.

October Surprise

New roof $26,000
New HVAC  $12,000
Eye surgery $10,000

Oh, the new fan works well and the pull chain works fine after further review.

And to think that October used to be my favorite month.  I  might should rethink that.


Frugally challenged said...

Ouch! Surprises like those you can definitely do without! All necessary I am sure, but definitely ouch!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Ouch, indeed! However, I can go into the winter months knowing I have a new heater and air conditioner, a secure roof and a sighted husband. All good things. I am counting my blessings that I have access to these things and that medical science is so advanced that he can have the eye surgery with minimal uproar and have his sight restored to that of his youth (i.e. no glasses!). So, while it seems dismal it is really ok, just a bit of initial shock.

Frugally challenged said...

Attagirl! The bright side is always the best side.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I always try to take the high road and see the upside to things -- in this case, I really have no choice!

Pom Pom said...

Wow! That's a lot of money to spend on necessities. I guess it's okay though, right? All three of your expenditures are blessings in your everyday lives, so YAY!
November will just be turkey and potatoes now!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Pom Pom -- well, what can I say -- it is what it is. Of course, the roof is insured and will only be a little out of our pocket. The hvac -- well, this is Texas and it is still hot -- 90's yesterday afternoon. They said they could repair it but they couldn't guarantee that it would hold and then to refill with the discontinued freon would be $800. We didn't want to risk anything going more wrong in the winter so we decided to go ahead and do it. The eyes are, without a doubt, a necessity. He is so miserable and it is making him very grumpy. Driving at night is problematic and, apparently, so is reading the scrolling stuff on the tv. So, I don't think he is looking forward to it but it is really necessary. The next thing on the agenda is hearing aids for him. His hearing loss makes ME grumpy.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...