Thursday, June 02, 2016

Me and PaPa

I was going through some photos on the computer and I ran across this one.  This is my grandfather, James W. Davis and me at my 3rd birthday party in 1953.  I remember this birthday party well and I remember that little basket handbag.  I also got a red duster just like a grown up lady.  I should get the other photos out so you could see my cousins and my lovely cake.  Can you believe it was February?  This nice day was the norm for South Texas winter.  Sigh -- three was great.

Black Rabbit Hall

 Beverly Miranda -Whittemore, New York Times bestselling author of Bittersweet says this about Eve Chase's Black Rabbit Hall -- "A twisting gothic of family secrets, forbidden lust, and four extraordinary children who'll stick with you long after they've scattered off the page."

I purchased this novel on a whim -- no research or anything -- and I was expecting a bit of Shirley Jackson (The Haunting of Hill House) and V.C. Andrews (Flowers in the Attic).  My first impression wasn't wrong but it wasn't quite right, either.  While Black Rabbit Hall did possess some of the elements of Shirley Jackson it wasn't anywhere near as frightening.  I was a bit disappointed but not disappointed enough to stop reading, for sure.  It also possessed elements of V. C. Andrews works but not nearly as graphic.  I was fine with that -- it was graphic enough for me, thank you.  I guess I would have to say it was a kinder, gentler sort of gothic novel. 

It is the story of Lorna who is looking for a wedding venue.  She and her fiance Jon visit Pencraw Hall, also known as Black Rabbit Hall.  Lorna falls in love with the place, is inexplicably drawn to it and Jon is -- well -- not.

It is also the story of the Alton family -- Hugo, Nancy, Amber, Toby, Barney and Kitty.  They are happy and in the blink of an eye they aren't.  They are a family intact and suddenly they are a family torn completely apart.

There is love and lust, forbidden alliances, deaths, an evil stepmother, adversity and survival.

It is a good read, I would definitely recommend but it is a little wordier than I think necessary.  Other than that, though, I would say it is a keeper.


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...