Thursday, February 02, 2017

I Am So Confused!

I like to read magazines and blogs.  I clearly have a problem with magazines, an intervention might be necessary.  I have too many and hang on to them for so long.  I don't care for fashion magazines too much because I am not particularly fashionable but I do enjoy home magazines and regional magazines. I enjoy reading about home decor and lifestyle trends -- always much more "with it" than my own decor and lifestyle, to be sure.

Last year one of the popular trends was called Hygge.  It is a concept of Danish lifestyle that really has no definition.  A loose translation would be "cozy" and all the things that go into making a space cozy during a long, hard, winter.  Hot cocoa and candles seems to be at the forefront of this concept along with knitted items.  Things that we would find cozy as well. Well, maybe not in Texas.

No sooner do I get interested in "hygge" do I learn that hygge is out and "lagom" is in.  Lagom is a a Swedish word meaning "just right, just enough".  Now that is something I can get my head around.  Just enough.  I like that and it is actually something that I have been striving for myself.  Not one to really embrace excess, this concept seemed to speak to me.

For the last couple of years we have been hearing a lot about "minimalism" thanks to Joshua Becker and Marie Kondo.  I sit and look at the photos in Dwell Magazine wishing my home could look like those in this publication.  Sleek, clean, bright, airy, NO CLUTTER -- yes, how soothing and relaxing that would be. 

So, just as I start decluttering and packing things away to create a minimal space along comes an article discussing the newest trend -- maximalism.  Yes, it is what you think it is -- excess.

Now, just as minimalism is defined by sleek, clean, white/chrome areas, maximalism is defined by over-the-top large scale wallpaper, bright colors, dark colors, lots of furniture and art items.  Lots of -- everything.

Ok, so by this time I am really confused.  How many candles are too many?  Not enough?  Just enough?  How many knitted items do I need -- or do I not need any?  I am pretty sure large scale print wall paper isn't going up on ANY wall in Maison Brinkley.  Been there, done that and swore never again.

So, I have decided to embrace what I call "Melissaism".  What is that you might ask?  Well, let me tell you.  When Hubs and I were first married we bought a houseful of Early American furniture.  Then we fell heir to some of my mother's EA furniture.  I still have a good deal of it.  Then we went through a modern stage and Hubs actually built several things which I still have.  Then came ShabbyChic -- yes, yes, still here.  We decided to get rid of the EA bedroom furniture and buy a brand new bedroom suite because we had never had a brand new one before - it is like British Country Home.  In order to blend all the different sorts of things --and multiple bookcases -- we have added some black painted pieces.  So, you can see where I am going with this.

Melissaism -- the melding of 44 years of marriage, three moves, two children and changing tastes all rolled into one not-very-big house.  Is it minimal?  Uh, no.  It is maximal-- not really.  Does it look like a room out of a furniture store -- which store?  which decade? -- no.  Does it look comfy?  Yep.  Does it feel comfy?  Yes, except for the evil sofa in the den.  Would I change it?  Nope -- well, except for the evil sofa in the den. 

So, I guess I will continue to look at the magazines and blogs and such and enjoy all the trends but know that I will only be comfortable with Melissaism.


Frugally challenged said...

Brilliant! I look forward to hearing more of Melissaism! Down with cloning! Yay to individualism! Go, girl, go!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you! I just gotta be me!

Pom Pom said...

How funny! Everyone's house sort of evolves, doesn't it?

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Pom Pom -- yes, they do, especially if you aren't willing to ditch everything you own with the next trend. I rather enjoy my nest even though it would never make a magazine!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...