Saturday, February 25, 2017

Monday's Child......A Childhood Poem.....A Pack of Lies

Everybody has heard the poem that begins "Monday's child is fair of face".... right?  I goes on to say "Tuesday's child is full of grace".  This is where the cute little facade starts to crack.

I am a Tuesday child.  Even my own mother used to say the poem lied because I was definitely not "full of grace" -- I was one clumsy kid.  Some things never change.

I have arthritis and I believe I have some neuropathy in my feet.  Plus, I am just naturally clumsy, I don't need any other factors.

Last night I fell asleep on the sofa.  Hubs woke me up so I could continue my nap in bed.  I was clearly out of it as I traveled across the floor so I paid no attention to the item sitting on the floor (I had been avoiding picking it up for days so I am not only clumsy, I am lazy).  I hit said item full on, stumbled, woke up abruptly as I lunged finger first into the large television cabinet which resulted in me using loud, nasty words. 

I was sure I had broken the first joint (closest to my nail) on my left pinky.  It hurt, it was red,  my hand hurt all the way up into my hand. 

I went to bed after I determined I could wiggle my fingers. This morning it was really red and sore and hurts to bend it but I am able to bend it so I assume it is just jammed. 

So, about Tuesday's child -- yeah, dumb poem.


Frugally challenged said...

Hey - we share that too! I was born on a Tuesday too! But although I am not (by any stretch of the imagination) graceful, I am full of grace. And so are you. Thanks be to God!

But sorry to hear about the fall. We don't bounce as well these days, do we? Look after yourself and let yourself be spoilt a bit.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thanks be to God, for sure! No, we don't bounce so well and I am nursing a very sore little finger today but it could have been worse so I am blessed!

Pom Pom said...

Oh poor you, BB! I hope it feels better today.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

it is red, like I stuck my finger in hot water up to the first knuckle. It is sore but clearly not broken. Now my pride...another story.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...