Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Victory Garden by Meredith Allard

"Victory Garden" by Meredith Allard is a novel about Rose Scofield and Adam Bell.  It is also a story about the women's suffrage movement of 1917-1918.  The story shares some of Rose's youth, the fact that her mother passed away when Rose was 2 and that Rose was a school teacher.  She was also a free thinker and a stubborn "impudent" sort of girl.

Rose's father was a writer for the newspaper, it is assumed the New York Times.  He wrote an article about the Bell Brothers, a really good vaudeville act.  Through her father, Rose met Adam.

Because Rose was a supporter of the suffrage movement, she lost her job as a teacher.  She joined the movement, went to Washington D.C., found herself in jail and eventually found her way back home. 

And Adam?  Well, you will just have to read it to find out.

I didn't particularly enjoy this book.  It was a good read but the majority of the book was devoted to protests, marches, World War I and politics.  That makes sense since that was the basic theme but with the atmosphere around our own political situation right now, I wishI had been reading a book to escape all the politics, not throw me right in the middle of it. In spite of it, though, it was a good read and I recommend.


Pom Pom said...

I know what you mean about all the discord among people now and I don't blame you for not being thrilled to revisit it in a book.
Good review, BB!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thanks!Yes, it was appropriate for the times though and showed me one thing -- NOTHING HAS CHANGED in the last 100 years.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...