Monday, April 03, 2017

Churches -- Historial and Otherwise

I love churches.  Having been a church goer all my life I have spent a good deal of time in churches.  I have been in historic churches, modern churches, pretty churches, not so pretty churches -- but they are all still churches with their own unique personality.

On our way home in the afternoon we pass a little church in Watagua.  We turn before we get to it so we have never really taken a good look at it before.  The other day we decided to take the time to stop -- there was a historical marker which is always interesting.

This little church was originally the Watauga Presbyterian Church but is now the home to a hispanic Christian community.  Isn't it just a lovely little building?  Can't you see this being the center of activity of a small community many generations ago?  I can.

Then there is this church.  Bethel Baptist Church in Scranton, Pennsylvania -- the church home of my great-grandparents James and Dinah Davies.

This is how the church looked when my grandparents attended there

A bit later

much more current
Sadly, this church ceased being a church back in November (2016) when they decided that the population had dwindled to the point that the church couldn't be supported. At that time there were 10 members.  I think it would make a very lovely house.  Of course, I never saw it in person but I think it is a perfectly lovely little neighborhood church.

This is St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Elk, TX.  It is the church that my husband's family attended as they lived close by.  Clearly this is not the original church but it is the one I am familiar with.  There is also a cemetery on the property behind the church.

This is my current church here in Fort Worth.  It is absolutely beautiful and when you walk in there is no mistaking that you are in church.

 It is truly one of the most beautiful churches I have ever been in.

The church I was married in -- Concordia Lutheran Church, San Antonio --

yes, that is me and Hubs taking our vows -- did I really promise to obey?  Hahaha!

The church I grew up in as a child, Asbury Methodist Church --

And the last church I attended before we left San Antonio -- Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church --

And the first church I attended in Fort Worth -- Christ Lutheran Church --

Lots of churches, all lovely in their own way, all full of history.  Hoping to find some more churches to photograph and learn the history of.  Sounds like a road trip!

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

I enjoyed your church photos!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...