Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Little Bo -- the Story of Bonnie Boadicea by Julie Andrews Edwards

I am still chipping away at "This Side of Paradise" (not such a page turner but not willing to give up) but I decided to take a second-long break and read a children's book titled "Little Bo--The Story of Bonnie Boadicea" by Julie Andrews Edwards.  Yes, that Julie Andrews.

It is a children's book and it is large and has pictures which I guess qualifies it to be a picture book but it is lengthy for a picture book, almost 100 pages so I think it is a tad more than a picture book.  My granddaughter brought it home from the school library so I had to read fast as it is due on Thursday.

In any event, it is the story of Sarabande and Bounder -- she being the gorgeous Persian cat belonging to Mrs. Edge and the street cat -- Bounder -- a sort of feline Lady and the Tramp, if you will.  Sarabande has a litter of kittens and Mrs. Edge who is very hard-edged decides to keep the one that looks like Sarabande and tells her mean hearted butler to take the rest to the pet store.  As it happens the pet store won't take them and the butler, who didn't like them anyway, had a bicycle accident and the kittens all get away.  It was a dark and rainy night and they all scattered for parts unknown.

The story focuses on Boadicea -- or Bo for short -- as she is the smallest and most helpless.  Lest you think she drowns in the gutter or something I will tell you that she is rescued and goes on an unbelievable adventure and scores herself a human that has strong values. I won't say anymore, however, because it is a good book and I recommend you reading it for yourself.

I did think it ended rather unceremoniously and a bit flat, leaving the reader to want more.  However, after a bit of research, there is more.  There are other "Bo" books out there and I, for one, am going to read them.


Pom Pom said...

Aw! I like cats and cat stories. Thanks for the review!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

You are welcome! I did enjoy it a great deal and I am going to seek out the sequel(s).


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...