Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

This spring when we were visiting Savannah, Georgia I decided to make sure my souvenirs were meaningful.  It is so easy to just get lost in souvenir shops because that is what we do when we travel, isn't it?  Food and souvenirs.

So, I decided that on this trip I would only buy two sorts of things -- books on the area and Christmas ornaments.  I have found that these sorts of things are easy to transport home, unlike a large model of Westminster Abbey.  That is another post, however.

One of the books I decided to purchase was "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" by John Berendt.  We all know that I am a sucker for good covers and I love the cover of this book.  I love the "bird girl" statute and the general spookiness of it. I couldn't wait to delve into the book.

But, since it was a souvenir I decided to borrow it on my kindle through overdrive so I could keep my copy pristine.  I started reading the library copy but didn't finish so I rechecked it.  Still didn't finish so I moved on to my copy.  The reading got slower and slower and I am not one to move on until I am done with something, especially as close to the end as I was.  But.....I had reached a draggy point and it was like trying to plod through quicksand.  Do they have quicksand in Georgia? I will have to Google that.

Finally the other day I picked the book up -- which is no longer pristine I might add after having carried it in my purse and dog-earring a few pages -- and decided to finish it. And I have.

So, what did I think?  I have enjoyed it but it does have draggy spots.  I guess I got bogged down in the Williams trial (just read it) but the book does share the flavor of Savannah with all it's quirkiness.

I will say that before I started the book I watched the movie with Kevin Spacey in the lead and I really enjoyed it -- mostly because I got to see Savannah again and I loved it.  I don't always enjoy the movie versions of books but this I did.

Would I recommend?  Yes, I would.  I would also recommend the movie.  I would also recommend a visit to Savannah in person.  Wear comfortable shoes and a crossbody bag.  And prepare yourself for lots of souvenir shops.

I still wish I had tried to bring home a bird girl statue.


Pom Pom said...

I never have room in my bag for anything! When I visit my mom I often have to post clothes home if she gives me additional stuff. I AM going to visit the yarn store, though.
I've always wondered about that book.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

It is a good book but I really liked the movie. I REALLY liked Savannah. I was so surprised at how different the "deep" south felt. I have always felt I was southern being a Texan and all but once we drove out of Arkansas, everything felt really different. I would love to go back. My kids are going to Disney over Thanksgiving and I would love to go back to Savannah. Not in a car though.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...