Friday, August 17, 2018

MooGoo Review

Hi, Friends!  As I mentioned earlier, I have decided to change up my skin care a bit.  I have been using First Aid Beauty and, while it is a fabulous product I have learned that some of the line has questionable ingredients in it.  I believe the basic products are good and non-toxic and I will continue to have those on hand but I thought I would branch out a bit.

I was watching a documentary with Julie Walters the other day -- a railway journey across Britain -- and they visited a dairy farm.  The hostess looked considerably younger than her years and she said she used the udder cream on her face that they used on the cows at the dairy.

I decided to try it so I ordered some Natural Skin Milk Udder Cream from MooGoo of Australia.  They have a place in the US so it didn't take forever to get here.

It arrived yesterday.  They also included a cute little sample of their Natural Milk Wash.  I love samples.

So, I immediately went in and washed my face with the face wash and applied the moisturizer and waited to itch.  Things tend to make me itch and tingle.  I thought this product was going to but it didn't really.  I think what I felt was my imagination.  I didn't get red or splotchy which is good.  Right now my skin is really dry so I decided to exfoliate with a microfiber cloth and I think I just irritated everything.  Microfiber cloths are great for removing makeup without chemicals but I think my skin has gotten a bit more uh, "mature" and delicate for that.  So, don't know if I will keep it up.

So, this morning I decided to repeat the MooGoo plan and so far so good.

It is NOT greasy.  It feels almost like putting vaseline on  your face but it soaks right in.  I am anxious to see what  it feels like to apply makeup on top of it because it isn't greasy or slippery or anything.  I am just relatively soft but I don't look like I fell into a vat of moisturizer.

One of my goals in exploring new options is to reduce products.  While the safety of the product is of importance to me, so is the efficacy.  I have been using a LOT of product with the FAB line.  I absolutely love their stuff and I use the cleanser, the facial brightening pads, the serums, the eye cream, the coconut primer and some of the make up products.  My face has never looked better but.........It is a LOT of stuff to use twice a day and it isn't cheap.  It isn't hugely expensive but when you are using that many products it adds up.  I am sort of looking to pare down with both skin care and make up products.

I don't really wear much makeup.  I use Mineral Fusion powder foundation, a bit of blush, either Pacifica or Bare Minerals or sometimes just my lipstick because that works as well.  I use a Revlon lipstick that rates #2 on EWG or Mineral Fusion or even some of Burt's Bees lip balms (and yes, for blush as well)  I use mascara and done.

MooGoo has a line of lip balms that I might order next.  I really like lip balms and my lips are worse in the summer than in the winter if you can imagine.  MooGoo also has a line of cosmetics called Dustygirl.  It is mineral makeup and I might try their lip shine product.  I am not a big lipstick gal but if I don't put on something I feel just not finished.

Ok, I am digressing.  The package came with a very nice, well done product guide.  Full color and glossy with lots of description of the products.  Their website is well done as well.

Today is only the second use of the products.  I will let you know how it goes but so far so good.  Now I have to figure out why my hands are itching.  I changed dishwashing detergent to Seventh Generation and I wonder if that is the culprit.

Aug 17 -- mid day --

Ok, I have been trying to ignore it all day but I am afraid the new products are causing to me to react.  I have had subtle itching and stinging on my cheeks all day so I finally went in and washed it all over and used my regular FAB products-- just the face wash and the thick moisturizer.  It is beginning to feel better.  I wanted it to work, I really, really did.


Gill - That British Woman said...

such a shame that it didn't work. I have never heard of the product..

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I used to see it at the sewing stores -- Bag balm or something like that. I wanted it to work but I guess I will just tay with what does.

Pom Pom said...

Mine came, too! I like it and I don't usually have itch problems, so that makes sense. Since I stopped using my cheap lipstick for blush (I know, ridiculous) my face looks less splotchy. I think less is best, too. Isn't it weird how we never used to think about ingredients, slathering our homes with Pine-Sol and Windex?
Take care, BB and thanks for the tip!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Pom Pom -- oh yes, the smellier the house was the cleaner it was! My mom was a champion with Spic-n-Span, Lysol, Pine Sol and Windex! I don't think using lipstick as blush is ridiculous -- I do it all the time. I wish I hadn't itched with the udder cream -- I am going to give it another go in a few days and see. I really wanted it to work.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...