Monday, October 15, 2018

Catch Up

It is Monday.  It is raining and it has turned cold.  At least, to me it is cold.  The low last night was supposed to be about 45 and the high today is supposed to be 48. Not sure what happened to fall but it seems winter has bullied it's way into our lives a little early.

So, I haven't been up to much, really.  Trying to tame the beasts known as Messy House and Moving Boxes.  It appears that I am winning.  It is a slow battle but I am determined.

I have been spending a good deal of time in my craft area.  I inherited all of my mother-in-law's art supplies -- and they are plentiful -- as well as my father's supplies -- not quite as plentiful -- but it all needs to be organized and I have been working toward that goal.

I have also been  under a lot of stress lately so I have been turning to crafts to help me deal and escape.  I decided, after unpacking lots and lots of craft supplies, to turn back to doing some card making.  The fiddly nature of the  process forces me to concentrate on just that and not on other things.  So, I thought I would share some of the things that I have been doing.

I am new to this and I don't pretend to possess the sophisticated skills that many of the card makers possess.  But, it is fun, it satisfies a bit of desire for creativity and it is useful.  So, on I will go -- at least until I use up some of these supplies which will probably take about 25 years.


Pom Pom said...

Ha ha! I know! I have too much stuff! It's fun though! I love your cards, BB!

JLS Hall said...

Those are very cute cards! And it's a great idea to give yourself something to concentrate on besides the nervous-making stuff. I need to do that. I've been trying meditation which does help, but only while I'm meditating. Doing something creative would be a much better way to help solve the anxiety problem. Now if only I could do something creative!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Pom Pom -- Thanks!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Joy -- thanks! Meditating does help-- I spend a lot of time in my sort of meditation which is prayer and the beads keep my hands busy. The crafting helps because it forces me to think of what I am doing -- you can be creative, just grab a coloring book. I don't find reading to help the anxiety because my mind wanders too much so it has to be something physical and no, laundry doesn't cut it. I have to wonder about this anxiety issue with us. Is it genetic? I mean, I know my mom and MaMa but your mom didn't seem to be anxiety ridden but you and I sure got a good dose of it. If you are ever on youtube look at some of the coloring videos. There are several done by a girl with the last name Cheng and she does gorgeous stuff. Check it out.


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...