Wednesday, November 14, 2018

These Is My Words by Nancy E Turner

"These is My Words-- the diary of Sarah Agnes Prine -- 1881-1901" -- a fictional piece based on the family history of the author Nancy E. Turner.

It is the story of Sarah Prine, a spirited woman who grows up and comes of age on the frontier.  During the course of the book she goes from an uneducated child to an educated adult and from a young woman finding her way in spite of loss and turbulence to a loving mother and wife of cavalry captain John Elliot.

I enjoyed this book but it was rough and harsh and didn't gloss over any of the events that occurred during those times in those places to countless people.  It was happy and sad and a struggle.

It made me glad I live in my time. 

I recommend as long as you realize that it is a tough book to read.


Pom Pom said...

I had heard of that book. I hope you are feeling well, BB. I forget whether or not you are cooking the turkey bird.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

The book is good but it has it's graphic parts. I still recommend. I am not cooking the turkey this year. Actually, I never cook it, my husband does, but we aren't having a meal at our house. I was feeling pretty good and then the Mt. Cedar let loose and we are all down with cedar fever. It is not good, either, because my kids are off to Disneyworld tomorrow and one of them is really not well.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...