Friday, December 28, 2018

December 28 -- the fourth day of Christmas

Today is the fourth day of Christmas! I am finding that extending the Christmas season until Epiphany is a good thing.

In years past the decorations would have already been taken down and all evidence of the celebration would be gone.   This year I am taking it down as I put it up -- slowly -- a little at a time.  I am still enjoying the Christmas village so I don't mind it staying up until January. The room is going to look very different when it is gone.

Yesterday was a very good day.  The weather was beautiful so I was thrilled to get out and about with my daughter and granddaughter.  We had lunch at La Madeleine and did a bit of shopping at Target and Charming Charlie.  Then we took in a flick --  Mary Poppins Returns -- at Cinemark.  The day ended with hamburgers at Chapps. It was such a relaxed, slow day -- I loved it.

Today sees me with all four grandchildren for a while.  I hope they can entertain themselves because I am really gimpy this morning.  I have a lot of games and things so surely they can handle it for a little while.  I hope.

I am doing a bit of planning for the new year.  My routine has to change and I have already started making moves toward that.  I also need to get on a grocery shopping rotation, I used to always have a 'grocery' day but now, not so much.  That doesn't work for me.  I am a person who needs routine and since Hubs has retired, routine seems to be a thing of the past and, in short, it is making me cra-cra.

I have learned a lot during this season of Advent and now Christmas.  It is like I am looking at things with new eyes.  I guess you are never too old to learn new things.

So, I am off to work on my new routine.  I have some late Christmas stuff to take care of --


Granny Marigold said...

A new routine sounds intriguing. I'm thinking along those same lines.
I'm leaving all the Christmas things out until after Epiphany. Once the trees are gone the house will seem so empty and dark.

I still have to access your blog through PomPom's list ( at the bottom of her Advent posts) so I will visit as often as I can. Even when you leave a comment on my blog and I click on your name I still get the dreaded notice that your profile is not available to me.

All the best in the new year!!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Granny M -- yes, since my husband retired we have totally lost our routine -- we don't get up at a set time anymore, our meals have gone all wonky, laundry day is now whenever I get to it and so is grocery shopping. It isn't working for me -- my self discipline is out the window and it isn't making me feel good so I am getting on a new routine. And grocery day is Friday! I don't know why you can't get to my blog -- I thought I opened everything up but I will look again but, please, keep coming anyway! I enjoy hearing from you.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...