Friday, December 07, 2018

Friday, December 7

It's the 7th day of Advent and what did the day hold?

One sick kid with a very runny nose

One dishwasher full of broken glass

One painful wrist -- am I having a stroke? No time for that

And a dismal, dreary, rainy, icky day.

Have a wonderful evening! I am having tea and a Christmas movie -- and some aspirin.


Pom Pom said...

Oh no! I've got the aches, too. It does make one quite grumpy.
I think you've got it right. Bill and I are eating pizza and watching The Man Who Invented Christmas later on tonight. Now, I am staying close to my space heater.
Our daughter is in Dallas at her brother in law's wedding and she said it is VERY gray today. One of my good friends is also in Dallas (she is moving there soon) and I keep thinking about her, too.
I think we reach a point where we just try to ignore our old lady ouches. It's hard though.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I am discovering that the weather changes don't really affect my knees and such. Not sure why but some days it like nothing is wrong and some days it is like I need to be put in traction. I am just learning to go with it but it is difficult. Your daughter would be correct -- it is gray and grumpy and wet. So sorry for rain on the wedding day. If your friend is moving could it be you will be visiting? I don't go to Dallas often but if you are there it would be fun to meet!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...