Friday, March 29, 2019

The Case of the Dysfunctional Housewife

I have been married FOREVER -- 47 years in July.  I have been a stay at home mom for 44 of those years.  You would think I would have learned something, wouldn't you?

Fast forward to now.  I don't care for cooking and Hubby doesn't really care of my cooking.  In all honesty, I don't really blame him.  The reality of it is -- I don't much care for anything that goes on in the kitchen.

However, after his small stroke last week we have come to the stark realization that we have to mend our evil ways.  After a dressing down by the general practice doctor I have pulled out all my diabetes books and, following the eating plan they had him on in the hospital, we are now following an 1800 calorie diabetic plan.

I am eating the same food and not doing too badly planning the meals according to the exchanges.  We certainly aren't hungry and I have been reasonably successful in making it palatable enough for this meat and potatoes guy.

So, why am I dysfunctional?  It has been so long since I have done anything like this that I don't think about cooking anything until it is time to put it on the plate which means nothing is thawed out, nothing is washed and prepped, and here I stand .....

So, I am having to think ahead.  I am having to restock my kitchen and find my storage dishes.  I am also aware that I am going to have to buy more measuring utensils so I don't have to keep washing them as I prep.

And the dishes --oh the amount of dishes is much more than I had figured.  Prepping three meals and washing the dishes is like taking me all day.

There has to be a more efficient way, I just haven't figured out what it is yet,

Now, make no mistake, I am not complaining.  I am so thankful this man is still here for me to measure out his cereal and weigh his vegetables that there are no words to express my gratitude.

But, oh my goodness, the dishes!


Frugally challenged said...

I realise that I may be teaching my grandmother to masticate hen products but could you do several days prep at once? Maybe use your freezer? It will feel as though it's taking for ever for starters but you'll get the hand of it!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

yes -- I am slowly learning (perhaps a bit of resistance?) to do some things ahead. Like yesterday I made a huge bowl of salad that will last a few days. I have kept the meat that I had left over to sprinkle on the said salad and I am learning to come home from the store and wash things immediately. I think they tell you not to do that but it certainly makes it easier. The one thing I need to do is learn to separate meat before sticking it in the freezer so I don't have more thawed than I need. I will get there -- I just wish I had done all this years ago. On the plus side -- we are both following the diet and eating the exact same food in the exact same measurements and I have lost two pounds. So, I am hoping for a healthier husband and a leaner me -- win-win on both sides.

Kim said...

Do y'all mind leftovers? If you make extra portions for dinner and save leftovers for the next day you can avoid cooking lunch sometimes. We do a lot of leftover lunches. It's actually kind of exciting if you liked it the night before. Also, cooking certain things in big batches and freezing in meal-sized portions is a good time saver. Soup is a great thing to freeze for lunches. And it can last for days, even making it a good repeat dinner. Throwing a bunch of meat in your crockpot (if you have one) and shredding and freezing it for throwing into future meals helps. There are lots of ways to cut down on daily cooking time if you hate cooking. Good luck!

Angela said...

Like you say, you are grateful to have your man home again - and I'm sure all the effort on the cooking front will be worth it. You'll soon get the hang of baking a double sized meal and freezing half for another day. Juts make sure you LABEL such things. Meat in gravy can look suspiciously like chocolate pudding. And once stuff is frozen under a pie crust, who knows whether it is sweet or savoury. Love and prayers for both of you!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Kim! I love leftovers -- the mister not so much but he is going to go along with what I do. This was too scary. I don't really hate cooking but I don't like it when I cook and he doesn't eat it. So, we have compromised -- I am going to deal with the food and he is going to eat it. Sounds fair to me! Of course, I am making him fire up the grill again -- something he doesn't do very often anymore! And the dishes -- well, let's just say I am looking at paper plates! Haha!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Angela -- yes, the cooking will be worth it (I have lost 2 pounds already and his numbers are looking good). I am actually sort of enjoying it -- never thought I would say that but I need to get in the habit of separating meat before it goes into the freezer and washing all the vegetable when I get them home to keep from having to do it each meal. I just have to get my brain in gear!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Somebody left me a comment and it got accidentally deleted! I don't even know who it was from! Please repost so I can read and respond -- I am so sorry -- not intentional! And thanks for visiting me!


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