Thursday, April 04, 2019

Can't Catch a Break

Ok, we have done the two follow-up appointments for my husband with the cardiologist and the neurologist.  Both appointments were positive, no restrictions on him and future appointments made. 

Then we discussed the "sleep" issues he is having and they are going to schedule him for a sleep study.  It is two parts -- one overnight for sleep apnea and then one during the day.  Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

So, in the middle of it all I had to take the Bean to the doctor yesterday for a cough she has had.  Doctor said she has a cold, it is viral, go home and let it run its course.

Fast forward to today -- I had to go get her early because she is running 102 fever. 

We are back to the doctor for a whooping cough test. It is going around the school.

Really?  Seriously?



Frugally challenged said...

Oh dear. It never rains but it pours. Look after yourself as well as everybody else.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

You speak the truth! The husband is doing really well, he is being good and following orders. He is eating the food I put in front of him so we are sort of settled down. I really don't think she has whooping cough but it does sound like it. It will take a week to get the test back.

Granny Marigold said...

Poor Bean. I hope she doesn't have whooping cough. Little M was sent home from school because the teacher thinks he has chicken pox. I seriously doubt it but my DIL will duly take him in to be checked tomorrow and M is thrilled to miss school. ( He has what looks like a few mosquito bites on his forehead).

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I hope not either -- they did a test -- a nose swab -- which they might have well tried to cut her head off -- it took much negotiation and was still traumatic. She got poked twice because she wouldn't hold still. In the past they have had to hold her down, that terrifies her so we tried without holding her down and she still didn't hold still. But, it got done and it will take about a week to find out. The flu test was negative but she had already had the flu. Whooping cough is going around her school. Parents not wanted to vaccinate their kids is causing all this stuff to come back. I am not sure, she has been vaccinated but the cough sounded suspiciously like whooping cough.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...