Friday, April 05, 2019

Food as Medicine or Is It My Imagination?

Ok, since my husband was released from the hospital  we  have been following an 1800 calorie diabetic eating plan.  The first few days were a little daunting because I haven't meal planned in forever.  I also haven't weighed and measured food since my last attempt at calorie counting.

Fast forward to today -- it has gotten much easier, Hubs is eating what I cook, I am learning some kitchen tricks to keep myself sane and I am not dreading the activity quite as much.

However, I have noticed something that is sort of surprising.  I feel completely different.  I have lost seven pounds and I feel like my digestion has improved.  Those are things one would expect when changing your diet completely.

But......what I wasn't expecting is that my joints are so much better. I am less stiff. I even got on the floor to look for something under the bed.  I was shocked.

Is it possible that changing a diet could make your joints quit hurting?  Very interesting.

Just thought I would share.


Frugally challenged said...

If your diet is making your joints hurt less I want to know what you're eating! Good to know things are looking up.

Granny Marigold said...

That sure does seem like an important discovery if it continues to have that effect. You may have to share this 'magical' meal plan!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Mary, I feel a lot different eating this diet. It isn't anything really special, it is an 1800 calorie standard diabetic meal plan -- you can google the American Diabetic Association and find something quite similar. It is very balanced. Each meal is divided up into "choices" -- there is a list to tell you how much food is in a "choice" and you just plug in what you cook into the formula. Like breakfast is 2 starches, 1 fruit and milk -- if I remember correctly. Then lunch is like 3 starches, 3 meat, 2 veg, 1 fruit and dinner is similar. It is almost identical to what we learned when I was 13 in home economics class. In that class we were taught 1 meat, 1 starch, 2 veg or 1 veg and a salad fruit and a slice of bread. I feel a lot different and my joints aren't hurting -- I am just not as stiff. Now,maybe it is because I am moving around more. I am making a point of it.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Granny M -- nothing magical -- like I told Mary -- standard diabetic exchange diet. But, I think I am just eating better in general. And I do seem to have more energy.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...