Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Mr. Popper’s Penguins — Bean and Me Book Club

I recently finished my third book for my Goodreads Challenge.  It is a children’s book titled “Mr. Popper’s Penguins”.  It was a fun read and recommended to me by the Bean.  I recommend it although I have to wonder, is Mr. Popper going to get home?  Hmm...

My reading isn’t going very swimmingly it seems.  I usually read faster than I have been in this new year.  I am not sure why except that I read when I go to bed and lately I have been crashing early on.
I am currently reading a children’s book called “Pax” and it is a slow go.  I hope to be done soon so I can move on to a couple of new titles I just acquired.

It has been a yucky day here.  We were supposed to get some wintery weather but all we got was some rain and cloudy weather.  It is supposed to be warm again soon for the weekend.

I feel like I am getting a cold so I am making some soup today.  It is just one of those days.

I have been interested in doing some needlework again so I bought a magazine to get me inspired.  Hopefully I will do more than just read the magazine!

And, I have been researching the concept of a “capsule pantry” — stocking the pantry with what I actually use and nothing more.  I know that sounds ridiculous but some of us tend to go to the grocery store and buy stuff we really don’t need/use.  It also involves having the ingredients on hand for what we DO cook.  So far so good.  I have managed `to effortlessly cook a couple of meals although I am missing some ingredients so I need to make a new list.  This is a learning curve for sure.

I have a headache so I am hope I am not getting whatever it is my daughter has.  She tested negative for the flu but they are treating her for the flu.  Whatever, she feels really crummy and I haven’t seen her for days.

I am tired of the politics on tv.  I am not politically motivated in the first place and they have messed up all my tv programming for two weeks — OVER IT!

Ok, rant over.  Time for lunch.


Granny Marigold said...

Stocking the pantry with items we actually use is a great idea. I need to do a 'purge' too. There's things in there I'll never use and some that are very very outdated.
I hope you get some pleasant weather soon. That will make life a bit better I think.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny Marigold! Our weather has been so weird. It was sleeting and snowing this afternoon when I took Bean to dance. Over the weekend it was 85. It is crazy!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...