Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter Sunday Freak Out

Ok, this may come as a surprise to everyone but I am not a calm person.  Even in the best of times.

For several days last week I had been having allergy issues.  My ears especially and my eyes were bothering me a lot.  We have at least 50-75 photinias planted in the back yard — not our doing — and they are blooming to beat the band.  We are allergic.  The wind has been blowing a lot.  I have been standing out in the yard with the dog that doesn’t want to do her business out there, she just wants to chase bugs and roll in the grass.  I knew it wasn’t a good combination.

So, Easter was not quite the day we had hoped — no ham, no family, no eggs hidden, it was just blah.  So, we watched church online at 1 p.m. and then I fell asleep.  When I woke up I was having a chill, I felt awful and I had a FEVER!!!  Nothing scares me like a fever.

I was so scared I even called the doctor on call for my doctor asking if I should go to the ER or get tested for the plague.  He said neither.  He said it didn’t sound like Coronavirus — no cough and not short of breath — although it could be something brewing but not that.  He said just manage the fever, he would send the report to my doctor and my doctor could decide if I needed to get tested. I have yet to hear from my doctor.

I was completely terrified which probably helped the temperature climb.  I finally calmed down, the fever came down, I took some tylenol and went to bed fever free.  At some point it came back as a low grade, I didn’t feel good on Monday but the temp went away on it’s own and didn’t come back.

I have stayed in all day yesterday — no doggie walkies outside — either Daddy had to take her (which isn’t a good solution) or she had to use the potty pads.  Since she does that 85% of the time I didn’t feel bad about explaining to her that I was not going out in the pollen, the wind, and the spurt of winter we have had in the last couple of days.  I am sure she understood every word.  But, the more I was in the less my ears hurt and the less my eyes were bothering me. So, I think rather than Coronavirus I was having an allergy attack.  I think the temperature was probably some inflammation and total unadulterated fear.  In any event, it seems to be gone — crossing my fingers.

So, that is panic in the time of corona and I do it so well.


Frugally challenged said...

I had a fever one day last week too. I was determined it would not be Covid 19. I think I was right. But I still have to behave as though the plague had struck.

Granny Marigold said...

No wonder you were scared! At this time any fever is a cause for concern. I'm glad yours didn't seem to be the Covid sickness. I don't know what Photinias even look like but unless they're really lovely you might consider having them removed!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Mary! Yes, I don’t know what was going on but I think it had to do with allergies. And stress. I was fine all day yesterday and so far so good today. I just wish this would end so we could go back to normal — not sure that will ever happen but I guess we will adapt but I am not great at adaptation! I am glad you are feeling better too. Yes, now we have to stay in but I am doing that anyway so nothing new there.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, GM! Photinias are very large bushes that have red and green leaves on them and white blossoms. Our lot is a half acre and they are planted all along the back fence and a side fence. They look lovely and make us forget there is a major road right behind us but we are very allergic to them and I am sure that is what part of my problem is. So, I have been staying in and I think it has made a difference.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...