Thursday, April 02, 2020


According to our medical expert, Dr. Fauci,  they might be recommending the use of masks in the not so distant future.  Well, of course, in the beginning of all this they said we didn’t need masks but the masks went the way of the toilet paper and now there are none to be found.  So, the solution?  Make your own.

Anybody who sews knows this is just a matter of “hold my seam ripper”, “I am quilter hear me stitch” — whatever.  So, even though I have been away from quilting for a while I never got rid of any of my supplies — and I mean any of them.

So,  I went upstairs to the very unorganized closet full of unorganized sewing supplies and started rummaging.  Clearly that closet needs a good reorganizing but that is another post.  I thought I remembered having some pellon — I finally found the pellon — a whole bolt of it.  Why did I buy a bold of pellon?  I don’t remember but I am glad I did.  Then I realized I couldn’t find my quilting ruler or my rotary cutter.  I still haven’t found the ruler but I had another because I can’t just buy one of anything.  The rotary cutter has seen better days — the blade is completely rusted and I don’t know why and I can’t find the other three I once had.  So, I had to cut the fabric with scissors.  Imagine that — so totally old school.  I didn’t think I had any elastic but I found some and then I found some more every drawer I opened so I am good on the elastic front.

So anyway, after “phoning a friend” — messenger actually — and doing some google searches I found a reasonable pattern with a good visual.  I used a fashion fabric (gingham), the pellon, and a backing fabric of white muslin.  I cut it all 6X9, added 6” of elastic on each end and bingo, a mask.  I have made two — the second was easier, of course.  It fits me well and I am going to make a few a tad larger for the “boys” although this one fit my husband quite well.  I think my grandkids can wear the adult ones one except for the little squirt and I will have to figure out how much smaller to make it and I might use ties on hers just to make it easier to fit her.

Here is a photo of my work — I realize the pleats are crooked but this is my prototype and they aren’t crooked on the second one I made.  These are actually sort of fun and addicting to make.

At least it is a cheery color considering this day is anything but cheery.

1 comment:

Granny Marigold said...

I love the cheerful gingham fabric you used for the mask. You're so fortunate to be able to sew things. Especially now when so many things are hard to find.
Good luck with organizing your sewing 'stuff'. I foresee a trip to Walmart for assorted sizes of tubs.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...