Saturday, May 23, 2020

Trixie’s Banner Day

The pandemic isn’t affecting Trixie negatively at all.  In fact, she seems to be flourishing and enjoying all her little life has to offer.

Today she had a little more grooming done — she is a little shorter and a little lighter and she is such a good girl to just stand there and take it.  She has done well.  I am shocked.

Then, she had a little ice cream treat.  We buy those little individual cups and when I get done, she gets to lick the container.  So, she really isn’t getting much but she loves it.

And then, we had hamburgers for dinner so she got her own patty — no seasoning — and she loved it.  She doesn’t get human food often so it was a treat.

But, the big thing today was a play date with the Bean.  She has been going over every Sunday for a while for playtime but this time she went today because we are supposed to have rain tomorrow.

So, she had quite the day and is pooped!

She is such a fat and sassy little thing — I believe she is turning into what is called a Giant Yorkie — topping out about 10 lbs!

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

I think she does look big for a Yorkie. She is LOVELY! What a nice little friend for you guys!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...