Wednesday, August 04, 2021

The Wild Wild World of my Back Yard

 I have to admit that my husbands camera was a unique way of offering up some breakfast table entertainment.  It is fun to view the feed as we eat our oatmeal and blueberries.  It looks like the foxes are spending less time here and the other critters are coming around more. I think it is a seasonal thing.

And this morning, around 9 a.m. my phone signaled that there was activity on the deck and when I pulled up the footage this is what I found —

Now this cat has been coming around the whole time we have lived in this house so I figure she knows the foxes are here.  It is surprising to me that she is sitting there watching the spot that the foxes come and go.

I am sure she is looking for a spot to have babies because she is so clearly expecting but I would like for her to find another place.  I don’t need kitties becoming a fox snack.  That will make me very upset.

So, this is the first time we have caught the cat on the camera and I was really surprised although she likes to join my husband in the garage from time to time when he is out there working on a project.  I can handle the cat, I just don’t want the foxes taking a liking to him!

I have done quite a lot of reading on my current book “The Art of Inheriting Secrets” and it is a page turner for sure.  I don’t want to share too much because you might actually want to read it.  All I will say is that Grant is history, Sam is the future and the mystery unfolds in ways you didn’t expect.  Or at least I didn’t. I will add that the food sounds wonderful!  Ok, that’s all.  Maybe more tomorrow.


Granny Marigold said...

I agree. It would be awful if the cat became a snack for the foxes.

Pom Pom said...

Hi BB! Wow! That's fun to see the wildlife. I hope the cat has her babies in a safe place. I do love kittens.
I hope you are well!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi,Pom Pom, definitely going to keep an eye on that cat. Actually last night none of them were there

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Granny Marigpld! We are going to keep an eye on the cat but I am sure she knows those foxes are there and won’t do anything silly

Kim said...

My goodness, you have a busy yard at night! I hope kitty lets you find her babies when they come so you can help her keep them safe. Take care.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Kim! Thanks for the link! I can’t believe I just hit one button and boom, gone. Yes I hope Kitty doesn’t have her babes in harms way. Surely she is smarter than that!


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...