Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Bean Update

 Bean is a tween.  I probably shouldn’t have to say more.  But I will.

At her beginning of covid she was in the 4th grade in the neighborhood Catholic school.  It wasn’t going well so when the schools closed that spring it was sort of a blessing for us.  Fall rolled around and schools were still closed so she started 5th grade remotely in the neighborhood public school.Unique to say the least. The technology was glitchy, the instruction was ok but somewhere toward Christmas her device just wouldn’t function. We called in the district technology department and long story short she was being hacked. It was serious enough to call in federal support. That is all I will say.  The last six weeks of the school year found her back in the classroom. Mask on face, new device, and butt in desk. She was elated.  She was experiencing “social life” like she had never known it and I hadn’t seen her that happy since before she started school. This year is proving to be very successful socially and academically  and she seems very happy.

This year she is in the sixth grade.  She loves dance classes, hates math, and has discovered —heaven help us—boys.  She is still our little red headed bundle of fun but she is definitely a tween.  

Halloween this year.  We think she has quit growing and if so she is going to be short, takes after my mom’s family I suspect.

And can’t leave without a shout out to Olive.  She is so big.  So, so,big.


Frugally challenged said...

But what abut Trixie?

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I will share about Trixie tomorrow. I think she is going through a midlife crisis and she is only three. Sigh.

Granny Marigold said...

I'm so happy that Bean is enjoying school and finding new friends!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny! Yes she is having a good year but the boy situation is silly and there has already been some girl drama mostly involving the boy situation. Eye roll. I remember those years and wouldn’t go back for anything


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...