Friday, December 10, 2021

Trixie part 2

 Trixie came here as a companion to Bean. That wasn’t enough so her parents acquired Olive as another companion.

Olive is a standard poodle. She has very long legs. She is lovable but a lot of dog. We all love Olive and we all love Trixie.  However, They have both have been thrown over by Bean in favor of a third companion—an iPhone.  Her parents weren’t in favor of getting a phone but in light of the computer hacking debacle of last year, they decided to get it for security. It is very secure as it is permanently attached to her arm. I am glad I had kids before the age of technology.  I digress.

So since the dogs have fallen from favor with Princess Bean, I decided that I needed to forge more of a bond with the one who lives here instead of treating her like a boarder.  I have learned a lot about Trixie lately.  She has some unusual traits.  I am just going with it and learning to co-exist.

As I have mentioned before, Trixie is afraid of the dark. So rather than argue with her about going out at night for the last call I have learned to put her on a short leash, take Hubs with us because she feels safer with Daddy there, and tell her to turn around in circles three times and tinkle.  It works like a charm.  And this happens at 8:30 because if I wait until later she has fallen into such a deep sleep I am checking her pulse and she won’t go which makes a very early morning for me—like 4 am.

I have made discoveries about the puppy pads as well.  She will use them beautifully but only if she can’t discern that her little fluffy feet have ever walked on them. If she can detect ANYTHING it is a no go.  She will get close but her feet aren’t going to travel anywhere that MIGHT not be pristine and untouched. So, to keep the cleaning and mopping down to a minimum I do hourly checks on the pads. Fortunately there are only two. I have been giving thought to weaning her to one but I don’t know how well she would handle that sort of confusion.

That brings us to food.  I have mentioned we have been having a problem getting her to eat.  As per the vets suggestion I have put her on Purina canned food and Hills kibble. She eats the kibble best from my hand as a treat to go outside like a good girl. Once in awhile she might have a taste of chicken put on top of the kibble and that works. The real challenge is the canned food. A freshly opened can is met with great enthusiasm, she does the happy dance around the kitchen. Once refrigerated is a whole different thing. It must be heated in the microwave. 

Don’t say it, I know.  This is not Trixie’s bad.  She is just smarter than me.

BUT, with that said, she plays kissy face really well and I have nothing better to do than take care of this little fur baby.  I hope you don’t think I am complaining , just trying to give a humorous account of a day in the life of!  We wouldn’t trade her for anything because, after all, it only takes 10 seconds to heat the food!


Granny Marigold said...

Olive sounds like such a sweetheart!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Olivei is a sweetheart but you better be ready to love her when you walk in because she rares up like a horse! She is getting better because she has a personal trainer!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...