Monday, February 14, 2022

My Mantle

 I am so bored with facebook that I have toyed with the idea of leaving it but I do keep up with people so I am hesitant.  So, I decided to join some Facebook groups — things like hobby sites and home decor sites and such.  Lots of nice photos

Today I joined one for beginning watercolorists.  I have the desire but not the talent but it doesn’t hurt to look.  I was flipping between the watercolor site and the bungalow site and something caught my eye.  A poster showed a photo of her fireplace mantle and asked to see other’s mantles. I am not keen to splash the interior of my home on social media but I thought I would share here. Don’t worry, it isn’t going to take your breath away. 

But, for what it is worth, here is my mantle—

I will say that this fireplace was a selling point in this house and I really do like it.  The clock was a Christmas gift from my mother in law many years ago.  The snow globe was a gift to my husband from our daughter and the rest of the stuff came from Pier 1. The two candle holders on the hearth don’t belong there and will be going back to their proper places today. The little red bird came from the gift shop at the Tyler Rose Museum in Tyler, Tx.  For some reason I gravitate toward birds.

So, while the bungalow group isn’t going to see my mantle, I hope you like it.  The fireplace hasn’t been used once this year. Might have to think about that before spring!


Granny Marigold said...

The fireplace itself is quite a lovely one and I like the arrangement on the mantel.
I enlarged the picture to get a better look.

Granny Marigold said...

I had a bit of trouble when I pressed Publish so I hope my comment went through.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi,Granny! I am glad you like my humble mantle. I am going to reduce the flowers in that vase though, got a bit carried away!

Kim said...

Love the stones making up your fireplace! Is that a local stone? Very prettily arraigned!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi,Kim! Thank you! I don’t know where the stones came from but since stones like this are prevalent in Texas I would assume so! I love the fireplace and that was the selling point for me for this house.

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