Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Pet Peeves

 I am a blessed person.  I have always been a blessed person.  I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, a beautiful family, a wonderful supportive place of worship, I am on top of the dirt and I really have very few worries.

I am blessed.  I have no reason to complain.  However, it has come to my attention that there are things that annoy me.  I should overlook them.  I really should.  However, some of them are rather impactful.  Is that a word?  

The one that comes to mind is — ready? — low toilets.  These can be found mostly in public restrooms.  How do I deal?  Well, after almost killing myself trying to use one of these really oddly low toilets, I learned to use the handicapped stall regardless.  Of course, now I am sort of handicapped so it is appropriate but before I could have been handicapped had I fallen and broken my back trying to use the oddly low toilet.  Why don’t designers think things through?  Who does that?

Shopping has become an annoyance.  Why you might ask?  Well, let’s blame it on the pandemic.  That is an easy scapegoat but it is the truth.  We have been ordering online for two years now.  I didn’t really have a problem with it at all because, being slightly handicapped, I don’t really enjoy meandering through large stores.  I like to get what I need, I know what I like, and then leave.  Ok, so it isn’t all the pandemic or my rotten knees, I am not comfortable being in large, enclosed places anymore where somebody could wake up of a morning and think it a good idea to go shoot up all the little old ladies in the Allison Daily section of Dillards.  I am just not a fan of enclosed space.  Or open spaces for that matter where people congregate. 

I digress.  Over the weekend I did a good clean out of my cross stitch/embroidery supplies.  I have learned over the years that my fabric of choice is Aida 14, not even weave and definitely not linen.  As I went through my stash I realized I had no more Aida 14.  I also wanted some mounting boards and some 1/4 inch appliqué pins.  So, my husband was going to Home Depot which is conveniently located right next to Michaels.  I decided to go in and replenish my stash.  Well, hold on, cowgirl — not so fast.  Easier said that done.  They had nothing.  No pins, no Aida 14 in the brand I wanted, no mounting boards — and their little artificial flowers were ridiculously priced so……I came home empty handed ready to let my fingers do the walking and do my shopping online.

So what am I annoyed about?  The fact that every time I go into a store to buy something they don’t have it — the stores look like they are going out of business.  It is ridiculous.  

However, our Target seems fully stocked and we are getting an Ulta in the store — that warms my heart because I can binge shop cookies and cosmetics all in the same store — actually, in the same area of the store!  Be still my heart.

So, I guess at the end of the day I don’t have many grievances.  I really don’t have much to complain about.  I am blessed.


Kim said...

I know what you mean about not liking big enclosed spaces. With criminals getting away with murder (both literally and figuratively) these days it is a scarier world. Remember the good old days when repeat offenders stayed in jail? I'm also relying on online shopping more these days. I do try to shop with in-store pick-up or drive-up pick-up so I can support local stores, but like you found out, it's often harder finding things locally. Hope you have a lovely rest of the day!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi,Kim! When I was a kid my cousins and I were “mall rats” - we would spend hours trying on clothes, eating lunch, listening to the records in the record store — it was a grand time. Now the thought just gets my anxiety going! It is so sad, too! I sure do miss those more innocent, safer, times. And yes, I like the pick up option at stores too — especially the grocery store! Some things about the pandemic weren’t totally horrible!

Granny Marigold said...

Shopping on-line is more and more attractive all the time. My biggest pet peeve is the awful awful music that the stores insist on playing. At least if they only played the instrumental music but no....the screechy women have to do their screeching.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, GM - yes, I agree. That is another thing that the pandemic has done — made me intolerant of a lot of noise! I like quiet!

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